Monday, June 30, 2014

God Bless America!


I hope everyone has a great 4th of July week! It has always been one of my favorite days of the year, so I hope we find something fun and productive to do with our time! You never know what is going to happen at a party school ha... I honestly don't even know what to say about this week. I have had so many feelings and emotions and I've learned so much, but I just can't manage to put it into words! I have just been thinking a lot about God's will and how we have to have faith in that, not other things. I keep trying to have faith to find and faith to baptize and faith that the members will do their job. But if none of that is the Lord's will, then I get let down. (Kinda like how in high school I was always depending on my friends to do things and they wouldn't, then I would get let down, so I stopped having expectations of anyone), So I am just trying to remember that. Funny how faith is the first principle of the gospel and yet it can be so complex sometimes! What are you putting your faith in?? Anyway, I know that this is His work and I am just a tool right now. It is a new transfer, and our teaching pool is still really small, but I am willing to do whatever He needs me to do to help this area progress. 

It rained a lot this week, which prevents us from doing much. Especially if we don't have appointments. We think we find solid people, then they end up not being solid ha. But we had a game night at a member of the bishopric's house and it was a lot of fun. It was Sister Blake's last week, so I am sad to see her go. I have learned a lot from her! But we are going to be friends when I get home because she lives in Kanab! And I miss Sister Christensen a lot. I still feel so lost without her. She is my best friend ha! She is getting surgery on her knee in July. It is always scary getting a new companion. We will see how tomorrow goes at transfers! It's nice to know that the decisions of who and where are when are always inspired by the Lord. He always knows what we need. We definitely do not! Well sorry I just feel like I rambled on about nothing! But I don't have much to report on! But I came up with a really cool quote yesterday! "Your smile is like your name tag, you can't leave home without it!" Missionaries will appreciate that one more I guess ha. 

Love, Sister Lowry 

PS: If any of you have anyone on facebook who you think might be prepared to hear the gospel, please let me know! Pray and ask Heavenly Father who He is preparing, so that your own thoughts don't get in the way. My new companion and I would love to help any of your friends and family come closer to Jesus Christ! 

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