Wednesday, June 4, 2014



Once again, our week was about the same! It can be frustrating working so hard on an area and not seeing it improve or progress, but we are just keeping the faith! We had a ward fast yesterday for missionary opportunities, so we have miracles coming! We actually went tracting last night and met two way cool people who we are going back to later this week! So it is already working! :) Yesterday, James got baptized! It was sooo wonderful! It was a long road, but totally worth it because he has a for sure testimony of this gospel. Sister Christensen sang and I gave a talk. It was very special! 

Nothing else very exciting happened this week! We had Zone Conference, which was amazing as always. I was so spiritually fed! :) Sister C's knee is still hurt, so weren't able to bike or work as hard as we usually do. That can be really frustrating. But we are doing our best to stay positive and still have fun! She got an MRI today so pray that the results are favorable! :) Chantel, the super cool girl we met and taught last week, dropped us. She said it wasn't for her. Sad! But the Lord compensates. My dad handed out two copies of the Book of Mormon on vacation last week! What a rockstar! :) We have a movie night every month and we watched the Joseph Smith movie on Friday night. It reminded me of how blessed we are to have the restored gospel on the earth! This is kind of a big deal! 

I guess my spiritual thought can come from a testimony I heard yesterday at church that was so good for me. A guy in our ward talked about how simple the gospel is. We tend to over-complicate everything as humans, right? Whether it's work, school, family, sharing the gospel, or whatever! But remember D&C 101:16. My challenge to each of you this week is to try to simplify your life. Simplicity=Happiness :) God bless!

Love, Sister Lowry 

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there K'Loni, things always have a way of working out.
    Sure had fun with Brady in Maui, it was like we didn't skip a beat. We sure did have a great time. Your brother is getting so big. We just miss having him around all the time.
    You are an awesome missionary and don't you ever forget that.
    And you are right, we are blessed to have the restored gospel in our lives, and seriously that is one way that simplifies my life.
    I will be praying that you have a successful week.
