Monday, June 16, 2014

Strengthening My Faith in Jesus Christ

Hey all,

So this week wasn't very exciting like last week! It rained really hard every day and we got stuck inside a building on campus trying to be productive! It seemed like everyone we talked to this week rejected us or said they were interested then never answered their phones or texted us back. Funny how my biggest pet-peeve is flakey-ness and that is what this area is all about! This has definitely been my hardest area so far, but it's still fun! Which is a huge blessing. 

We are still teaching Eric and he is doing pretty good! Those twin boys I talked about were just too flakey. And I think they were more interested in us than our message.. But we taught Ashley last night, a pretty new investigator, and she seems sincere about finding out the truth! Other than that, we are just meeting with a couple less actives and talking to everyone we see! Oh! There was a cool little miracle. So we had dinner at Leah's (a member) and we had her drive us by this less active guy that the bishop asked us to check on. His roommate answered half naked and it ended up being a super awkward situation, but we told him to have Tyler call us. So he actually did! That like never happens! He said he would come to church on Sunday! :) So then we are on campus and this girl who works on campus that we always see stopped us and asked us about our services. She said she is catholic and her boyfriend is Mormon, and they are going to try out each other’s religions because he told her the missionaries stopped by his house! She had no idea we were actually those missionaries but she put it together when we were smiling so big ha! So they both came to church yesterday :) 

Even though things have been pretty hard, I'm grateful for the challenges because I am strengthening my faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. I have been able to feel so peaceful and comforted as I've knelt down each night and accounted to the Lord for my efforts that day. My companion showed me this quote, and I wanted to share it with you in case any of you are feeling down like we were! :) I love you and pray that you have amazing and safe days and weeks! 

Love, Sister Lowry

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