Monday, June 23, 2014

Become :)

June 23, 2014
Good morning!

I am so overwhelmed with emotions today! I am so happy for my sister Toni to be going to Houston to serve the people there and help them come unto Christ! There is no better work, and I know she will do great :) Especially since she had Maria Duncan as a Spanish teacher in high school! I know all the crazy summer events are going on right now, and I just hope you all are having fun and being good! This morning I was reading 3 Nephi 12 where Jesus visits the Nephites and teaches them. It was perfect for me because it reminded me that it's not always about all of the things we have to "do," but more about what we can "become." I tend to get too caught up in the doing, and forgetting about all that we are becoming. I felt like the Savior was speaking directly to me, so it was really neat.

This last week was good and went by super fast. We were able to teach some new people and are hoping to meet with them again this week. We are continuing to contact and talk to everyone. A lot of the freshmen are starting up this week, so there will be more people on campus. We are excited. I was just about to the end of my rope again, but it's amazing how we are always blessed with tiny miracles right when we need them. For example, we were biking home on Saturday and I was feeling not the best because we didn't really find anyone too solid. Then we stopped and talked to these two people. The one sister Blake talked to was a girl named Olivia who said she was interested in learning more about our message and we set up a time to meet with her and got her number. I had met a girl named Olivia on that same street like over a month ago, and she never answered our texts or calls. Which is usually in this area, so we just let it go. Well, when we got home I checked the number to see if it was the same girl. I had one digit wrong on the phone number, so when she gave it to me the first time I had written it down wrong! So it was meant for us to meet her again and get the number right! :) So that was pretty cool! I am always amazed how Heavenly Father makes sure we are in the right place at the right time. But we are still struggling to find. Missionaries just can't do it alone. We can't find like the member can find, and they can't teach like we can teach. So please help the missionaries wherever you are! They need it! And it's a commandment!

This week Eric started acting really weird and yesterday some stuff went down and we are not teaching him anymore. So that was hard, but it is for the better! A friend once told me that the night is darkest just before dawn, so I am counting on many miracles to come! Well, I have to let Sister Blake use this computer! But I love you!

Love, Sister Lowry

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