Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Roller Coaster

Hey everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your summer! I also hope you know I love you so much and pray for you daily! And I hope you are sharing the gospel! :) This week has been such a roller coaster. I honestly don't even know where to begin! I might have to do a list form because that is basically how it went. But I just have felt so much love from my Heavenly Father through everything that has gone on. I know that He answers our prayers and has a plan for each of us. I already knew these things, yes, but getting confirmation is always good :) 

Monday we went and got an MRI for Sister Christensen's knee and we also played sand volleyball for district P-day. It was pretty fun. We also had dinner at Colten's with Cody, the one who is taking forever to get baptized but is basically already a member! It was neat. We watched the Joseph Smith movie and I just love that no matter how many times I see it, I always feel the spirit! 

Tuesday was probably one of the hardest days of my whole mission! We went and got the MRI results and Sister Christensen had a torn ACL :( It was like dejavu from when Kendra tore hers. It is so hard to see your best friend get news like that! I did my best to console her, but I was a mess myself ha! When missionaries do stuff like that they send them home ASAP so they can get surgery ASAP and get back out! So, we spent the rest of the day packing and saying goodbyes. And crying, of course. And a member took us to this amazing sushi place, so that helped! But President told me I would have to be companions with the sisters that we live with for the rest of the transfer (4 weeks) because there were no trios in the mission that he could split up. That almost killed me. I was being selfish by freaking out about that, but Sister Christensen was a rockstar and comforted me. She was seriously such a good sport and so positive through the whole thing. That is something I definitely learned from her the past couple months. You can always choose to be happy and positive, no matter the situation! Anyway, President and Sister Berry picked her up that night and she flew out Tuesday morning. I felt like half of me was gone!! But I just prayed a lot. We both laughed about how we were going to have to have a long talk with Heavenly Father. 

Wednesday and Thursday I spent with our roommates, mostly in their area. We did a little work in my area though. And we actually ended up helping Eric set a baptismal date! :) He is really progressing and working on changing his life. It is such a cool miracle! He is just like a sponge soaking it up! :) We really needed that this week. That is also thanks to Sister Christensen because I wasn't really going to try very hard with him at first, but she made us and now look! She was such an inspired missionary! (She should be back in like September if all goes well btw). Also, President called me and told me he had found me a companion! Which was such an answer to my prayer!! 

Friday Sister Blake got here, and we went straight to work! She came from Titusville. And of course it was devastating to her to get yanked out of her area three weeks before she goes home, but she has been so amazing! It is a bit of an adjustment going from a bunch of old country people to the city campus with our peers! But she is doing well and loving it! She is from Kanab and is so cute! Most of you probably saw on facebook! 

This weekend we did a lot of knocking on doors, but we found some twin brothers from New York that we started teaching! They are so cool! I am just so happy that miracles are finally coming. I told Heavenly Father they better be with all that we have been through ha! Well, I want to share a quote that our mission president shared with us from Pres. Packer. 

"Through this loving one more than you love yourself, you become truly Christian.  Then you know, as few others know, what the word Father means when it is spoken of in the scriptures.  You may then feel something of the love and concern that he has for us.  It should have great meaning that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that could be given him, God himself, he who is highest of all, chose to be addressed simply as Father."

Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there! 

Love, Sister Lowry

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