Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I hope everyone had a great Labor Day! :) The library was closed so we are emailing today. And I forgot a quote :( So I will do it next week.  Sorry! Actually, I just found one in my planner. It's more for us missionaries, but it can apply :)

"If you don't plan well, you plan to fail!"

I love that because I am a big planner. I love being organized.
So, it was a pretty rough week! Sister Rogers went to the doctor on Thursday finally and she had a sinus infection. So she got a z-pack and was down for 2 days. But, Wednesday we got to do service for Don and Sue again. The Lord is softening their hearts slowly and we are really hoping to start teaching them soon! I just need to remember to be patient. You know me! Sue even made us pork chops and apple sauce! My first time trying them together! :) Oh, and Tuesday was a good day because Sister Rogers wrecked twice on her bike. Oh my gosh it was so funny! We laugh so so much. It's what keeps me going some days! :)

But the weekend was AMAZING!! :) Saturday morning was Christina and Alex's wedding! :) It was like perfect. The Relief Society brought some snacks for a little reception thing after and everything worked out great! :) We also met a guy on the street who let us hold his parrot :) But he was atheist :(

Then Christina got baptized on Sunday! :) It was so neat. But, the water heater in the church broke! Satan will literally do everything he can do stop the work from progressing! But Christina was so tough she still just went for it! :) Also, 2 less active women came to church! :) It was so amazing! Sometimes getting inactive people to church is more exciting than having investigators at church haha! We also went to 3 birthday parties this weekend. Yeah, we're popular, I know. But all that cake and ice cream was not good for my figure...ugh :(

Yesterday was good because we got to catch up on letter writing! :) We also got to go visit the Holt Family. I believe I've mentioned them before. They are such nice people! They said they are probably going to come to church for the fellowship, which is great! :) Their girls are so cute and the family just feels like family to me kinda haha! But, on the way from the Holt's to our dinner appointment (we were already 30 minutes late) I had a little accident on my bike... Ok maybe a little more than "little" accident. It was more like a somersault over the handlebars. Man it hurt so bad. And I was going so fast. And there was a car right in front of me! The guys face was priceless! I would have paid to see me do that! But remember when I played soccer how I would like roll out of a fall and just stand back up? Yeah, that's what happened! So I got out of the road and Sister Rogers was laughing so hard. So was I. I was expecting my clothes to be all torn and stuff but I was just a little bloody. I hit my head and my back/shoulder. Good thing I was wearing a helmet and my backpack! They saved me! So I'm really sore today, but I'll be fine. Oh, we were near our ward mission leader's house so his wife patched me up and took us to dinner. Yeah, it was all kind of a blurrrrrrrr.

Well, that's about it! Don't forget to be happy! Attitude is literally EVERYTHING! No matter how cheesy that sounds! :) I love you all! The church is true! God answers our prayers and protects His missionaries (even though I heard about a couple deaths recently, so so sad :( and miracles really do happen every day! :)
Love, Sister Lowry

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