Monday, September 30, 2013

Hide and Seek


Well I finished the Book of Mormon this week! :) That book is truer than true. Best book I've ever read! :) I seriously learn so much everytime I read. Sister Rogers and I were singing the "Scripture Power" song all week! But I wanted to share the scripture Moroni 8:3 with everyone, but I forgot to write it down! :( So go look it up! It made me think of all my amazing friends and family back home! :) We also heard a talk this week about patience, and there was a quote I just loved.


"The Lord's promises are not always swift, but they are always certain." -President Uchtdorf

I honestly don't even know what happened this week. The weeks are going by faster and faster. I have been out five months and it feels like five days. It is finally cooling down though! It's been like mid to high 80's rather than mid 90's. So that's been awesome! It's still pretty humid though! But we can definitely tell the difference from a month ago! I'm not quite as soaking wet as I was! ;) We heard November is the best so we look forward to that! :)

We are still just doing a lot of finding people. We know that God is preparing people, they are just really good at hiding! But I played hide and seek quite a bit as a kid and teenager, so I'm pretty sure we will find them soon! :) It is just a big faith stretcher here! It's so hard to have faith in people when you get let down so many times! But we have so so much extra help from the other side.

Today we painted our apartment. Well, spot painted! I told you how it was so gross and we've been fixing it up. It looks like a whole new apartment! We shampooed the carpets too! :) This ward is just so amazing. Especially at feeding us! BUT! I am going on a dessert diet in October! Only one dessert per day! Which means when members give us cookies or brownies after dinner I can only have one! It's gonna be tough, but hopefully it will be worth it! You know how I am about sweets! Anyway, now we just need to get them to get finding people to teach! They will come along :)

We are still going to Don and Sue's every week. Don is coming along just waiting for the Joseph Smith experience so that is that. :( He is excited for conference though! :) We haven't been able to see Pamela or Irma :( They have been "busy." It's always hard when people pull that because you never know if they are being for real! We would so much rather just have honesty, people! But we met a really sweet family this week. A lady, Heni, was walking so we stopped and talked to her. She asked us to pray for her friend Sima who has cancer and whose daughter, Jessica, is really struggling and hasn't left her room for weeks. So we asked if we could go visit them. Heni happily took us there and we prayed with them. Jessica talked with us and she won't even see or talk to anyone! It was a really cool miracle! :) Sima was also very appreciative of our prayer! So was Heni. She said she thought we were angels when we stopped next to her on our bikes! :) haha I guess we kind of are! We are planning on going back to talk with Jessica soon.

We got soaked on our bikes so a family put our clothes in the dryer during dinner and we wore robes ha! :)
On Saturday we had a service project and dinner before the Relief Society broadcast, so that was fun! And the broadcast was just amazing of course! :) I hope all you women got to listen! I just love listening to President Monson. I can't help but smile and know that he truly is a prophet of God! We are so blessed to have that! Sister Rogers and I are SOOO excited for general conference this weekend!!! :) It will be interesting watching it on a church pew rather than my nice couch with all my snacks and PJs, but I know it will be an awesome experience! :) I really hope you all will be able to listen to some of it atleast! I know that the prophet and apostles receive revelation directly from Heavenly Father for us individually. It's the best! :)

Well, I hope everyone is having an amazing Monday and that this email finds you happy and well! :)

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