Monday, October 7, 2013

God Loves Us! :)


Ok, how blessed are we to have a Heavenly Father who loves us so much that he sends living prophets to guide us in this day? I am still overwhelmed with the spirit of general conference! It was such a neat and different experience watching it as a missionary! It went by so fast! And the spirit in the chapel is much stronger than on my couch! I think my favorite was Elder Maynes’ talk on spiritual endurance. I loved how he compared it to physical endurance, because I've always kinda’ been in to that stuff! It is so important to exercise our testimonies as well as our physical bodies! :) I also loved President Monson's of course. I hope everyone will remember his words, "Will you falter? Or will you finish?" whenever you are having a hard time! Remember the Lord will never forsake you! :)

It was another tougher week, so Sister Rogers and I were very grateful to be so spiritually uplifted with conference and also ZTM, which is monthly. Monday we were able to make fall wreaths with the Holt family! :) They agreed to actually investigate and listen to the lessons! :) It was so exciting for us! Our wreaths are adorable as well. Bad thing about it, the family changed their mind a couple days later and texted us that they were no longer interested and would be finding a different place of worship :( But they are a very sweet family and said we could stop by for a snack whenever! They will come around someday :) We also dropped Pamela because she wouldn't do anything or keep our appointments :( I made a general conference journal for Don, and he loved it! He recorded all of the sessions, but had to fit them in with his football games! I used to love football, not so much as this point haha! ;) So hopefully he will get to watch! Some of the talks were perfect for him! We also helped a few people put up Halloween decorations this week! That was fun because I have always loved doing that stuff! :)

My "One Dessert a Day" diet is not working out very well....... :\ We had a birthday party/dinner for Elder Freeman, an Elder we serve with. So that was super fun! :) I'll have pictures of this stuff on the blog soon. Well, Laurel will. She is amazing! :) We met some super great people this week. We are told that we should find them that will receive us. Find the prepared people. These people seemed so prepared! But, of course, they don't live in our area so we have to hand them off to other missionaries! But, it doesn't matter the missionaries, as long as they get the chance to hear the gospel! :) Speaking of prepared people, when we were tracting this week we met two ladies who kept trying to bible bash with us. Ugh. It's so annoying. They were "reformed baptist," and I made the mistake of asking what that entails.... Well we stood in their driveway for like an hour listening to them preach to us! They didn't even take a breath! We finally got to bear our testimonies, which is all you can do in a situation like that. And no matter what, people can't turn down a testimony. They didn't even know what to say! They were crazy though. Just made me realize that much more that our church is the true one! They were saying the bible is the only word of God and if anyone else tries to teach more then they are wrong and dadadadada. Modern day revelation is such a blessing!!! Sister Rogers rocked it bearing her testimony too. I was so proud :)

Anyway, I have to save the best for last of course. After a particularly hard day, Thursday I believe, (when we lost the Holt's and Pamela), we were getting ready for bed/writing in our journals. A less active young woman named Tori called us. We have visited them a couple times and they come to church every once in awhile but seem pretty "active" other than that ha. Anyway, she told us her boyfriend was interested in listening to the missionaries and learning more about our church!!! Oh my gosh we almost died!! :) Just another proof that diligence brings miracles!! :) So we got to teach him last night, and it was one of the most spiritual lessons of my mission. He is so sincere and prepared, especially for a 17 year old! He is excited to read the Book of Mormon and find out what he really believes. He has a full ride scholarship to the Naval Academy for lacrosse! How cool huh?! :)

Well I love you all. I hope you are enjoying your short fall weather, colorful leaves, football, soccer. horses, school, work, and whatever else! :) The church is truer than true! :)

Sister Lowry

PS: Happy Birthday soon to my amazing, faithful, dedicated, loving, tough, best mom and to my sweet little Lainee Williams!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great update. I love the birthday cards, expecialy the one for her Mother, the look on K'Loni's face reminds me of how Brady looks sometimes, you can definately tell that they are brother and sister. Sounds like her diligence is paying off. Good Job K'Loni, You Rock!!!
