Monday, October 21, 2013

Transfer Week!

Sister Berry and me matching.  We are a lot alike!
The Halloween wreath I made.

Well I hope this email finds everyone happy and well! As winter is coming, make sure to get lots of water and vitamin C! :) I have to get another flu shot next week. Ugh. I was on the couch for the rest of the day last time I got one! But my great friends Regan and Grace and Maddie came and ate Graham Canyon ice cream with me, so it wasn't too bad! Good memories! :) Can't believe that was over six months ago! I hit my 6 month mark this week! Which means only one year left! :) CRAZY!!! Time seriously flies. Well, I am getting transferred tomorrow! :( I am so sad to leave Waterford Lakes. It is such an amazing ward. I love all the people so much. Can't wait to come back and visit! I was thinking like next November or December? haha ;) But, I guess need to learn something from a new area and new companion! I am whitewashing again. Which means both of us are new to the area. Whitewashing is really hard. This will be my third time doing it. So pray for us! Oh, my new area is called Hunter's Creek btw.

Sister Rogers' birthday! 
Quote for the week! :)

"Our duty is to preach the gospel to all men...That is what God expects of us." -Pres. John Taylor :)  

We had a pretty good week! I definitely realized how our attitude directly effected the attitudes of the people we met! Irma is doing well! :) She hasn't been reading, which is bad :( But I suggested that she read while she eats her breakfast! That is what I always did at BYU to make time for the scriptures. She seemed excited to try it! :) Don is not doing so well... I think we should drop him. Keep serving but not wasting time with his questions/concerns that just take faith. We have done all we can. But I am leaving it up to Sister Rogers what to do because she is staying in the area.
We tried on Don's glasses...:)
Funniest thing happened yesterday. So like our first week here we met a lady named Rhonda who was super nice and seemed interested just busy. So we text her every once in awhile and invite her to church/activities. And we stop by if we are in the area. She said someday it will happen and work out and that she loves our texts! Yesterday we were by her house and thought we'd stop by. She was talking about her kids and family and started talking about her youngest son who is in the ROTC and his girlfriend is in the hospital... We were like (at the same time) "Are you Austin's mom?!?!?!" She is totally Austin's mom! So she went and got him and we talked! We were supposed to go visit Tori in the hospital but she hasn't been up for visitors :( So I won't get to say goodbye. I am super bummed. But Rhonda took a picture of us with Austin to send to Tori and she loved it. It was just so cool to see that connection and how the hand of the Lord was totally in it! I hope things work out with all of that. Austin said he's been reading but we haven't been able to meet again :(
Elder Freeman's birthday!  October 12--my mom's b-day. 
Lainee's b-day is also in October sometime!

Our pretend candles :)
Conference Sunday!  A member, Sister Walker, always makes
a conference themed apple pie!  It says, "Called to Serve."  :)
We also got a referral from a guy in another ward to visit a family. We did and they were so shocked and grateful that we just stopped by to see how they were doing! (They live right next to Rhonda and the mom's name is Rhonda, how funny). But we were able to have a prayer and share a scripture with them. Rhonda also told us that like 30 minutes before we knocked she was telling her husband that she wanted to start going to church again!! Ahh!! So we invited them but they had a family emergency :( This family really needs the gospel and I really hope that it works out for them too.
How happy Sister Rogers is when she gets a letter from her missionary in Peru!

We visited the Leak family again this week. I think I've talked about them before. Nonmember dad and son, less active mom. It was so cool because Bro. Leak was so sad that one of us was leaving! (We didn't know which one yet). He was like, "I've had a lot of missionaries come around but you two are by far the best!" That made our day :) We also were able to have a dinner and lesson with the Walker's and their daughter and son-in-law who is a non-member also. It was so good. They aren't in our ward but we commited them to go to church and him to get Sundays off. He agreed! Then before we left he said to me, "I have met with a lot of missionaries and the only one that ever seemed to really be confident in what he was talking about was the very first one, until you!" So that made me feel super good! :)

The elders got hold of my camera...
Our District
A picture of Elder Freeman that Elder Vance took...they are fun boys!
We had exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders this week. I went with Sister Rich again, and I learned a ton! Not even necessarily from the work, but just from talking with her and getting advice from a more experienced missionary! She reminded me of a lot of things that I needed to be reminded of! It helped alot. Looking back on these last two transfers here, they have been so tough! But they have also been amazing! We really have been so successful. We have planted a million seeds, addressed people's random concerns and questions about the LDS church, and met almost all of the less actives in our area and built amazing relationships with them! (Which is the first step)! Super cool. Now I get to go eat sushi for lunch (I think of my parents), and pack my suitcases again! Wahoo! :) Sorry this is so long... Have an amazing week everyone!

Love, Sister Lowry

A Relief Society activity!

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