Monday, October 28, 2013

Welcome to the Islands!

Sister Adamson, my new companion!

So I am surviving! This week was super long. I usually don't look forward to Mondays, but I did this week ha. The P-day before transfers and transfers are always crazy. But I got to say goodbye to mostly everyone. It was hard. I love that ward so much. As I did the one before that! I'm sure that's how it always is! But I am settled in now and doing fine! Because I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers, this week I was asking Him what I needed to do. Basically I just got the answer of Christlike attributes! So that is a lot. Obviously I can't do all of them at once, but I want to work on being more humble right now. So it was cool because I saw an awesome scripture in Luke this morning. I'll paraphrase. "He who exalts himself will be humiliated, and he would humble himself will be exalted." So I thought that was pretty cool! :)

My goodbye lunch at a sushi place!  Dad and Brenda, I thought of you!

We have been doing a lot of organizing, but that is like one of my hobbies so I don't mind that! One of the senior sister missionaries was like, "They leave you somewhere long enough just to get the place in order then they send you somewhere else to do the same!" I feel like that is pretty true ha. So we have been doing cleaning, area book/map book stuff, etc. We haven't been able to meet any of the people the previous sisters were teaching, so that is a bummer. But we have met with some members, active and not active. So that has been fun. It seems like this is a great ward, but they just need a little push on the missionary efforts. I probably let the ward mission leader know that a little to directly at church yesterday... :\ Most of the ward is hispanic or polynesian. AKA I am going to get even fatter! And my companion is not a runner. So I didn't luck out again :( But, we have a fitness center at our apartments-thank goodness!)
Every night our district leader asks us what miracle we saw that day. It is sometimes annoying and hard to answer, but I love that he does that because we should all always find a miracle in every day. Or at least just find how we noticed the Lord's hand in our lives each day. Yesterday we had a cool miracle. We prayed about where we should go tracting after church, and we went to a street called Blackheath. We found an awesome guy named Hector and taught him. We invited him to be baptized on November 30, and he said if he gets "the burning sensation from the Holy Spirit" that he would. He was a pretty spiritual guy! Super nice too. So keep him in your prayers please! He is basically all we've got because we can't get ahold of anyone that the previous sisters had. But there are totally people prepared to hear the gospel. We just have to exercise our faith. We are told to exercise for atleast 30 minutes five times a week right? So we should exercise our faith just the same or more!

Saturday was good. We got to do a service project for a really ghetto elementary school. It was a lot of fun! All the missionaries in the zone were there and we laid sod, mulch, planted flowers, and weeded! And Saturday night was so awesome! There is a family named the Vaiaoga's from Samoa. They had us over for dinner/their son's birthday party. They have a huge extended family in the area, so there were alot of people there. And tons of food! And entertainment! We played ball with the kids, ate, talked. They made us dance! And my companion even sang! It was tons of fun. There is the cutest lady in our ward that I just love. Her name is Aofia. She is a fitness instructor and we always talk about exercising and diet! She is the one who pulled us up and made us dance ha. I also ate mussel and octopus! It was interesting! Other than that nothing too exciting is happening here! I hit my 6 month mark! Crazy!
I hope everyone has a great week and a fabulous Halloween!

Love, Sister Lowry
PS: Sorry, I don't have pictures of the Samoan party :( :(

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