Monday, October 14, 2013

Fun Game?

Pretty sunset we saw while feeding the ducks!

I don't know how fond I am of this "Hey, let's everyone get married while Loni is gone" game!!!!!! But congrats to my Regan and also to my Uncle David! :) Next it will be Grace and then Kendra. It's whatever. I am where I am supposed to be! :) And I still love it of course! The weather here is amazing right now. I love the members so much I never want to leave them. And I still love my companion too. Transfers are next week so we are nervous/excited to see what happens. Something I learned this week is that submitting our will to God is the one unique thing we can lay on the altar for Him. I really liked that because sometimes it's hard to remember to forget myself and just do His work.

It was an interesting week! Monday we went bowling for District P-day and I bowled a 146! That is a personal best :) I thought you would be proud grandma Sandy! Tuesday Sister Rogers had to go to the doctor again to get an absess thing on her leg drained. It was really cool to watch. But she got pretty sick afterwards so we had to spend the next couple days resting. We still went to Don's and had a good lesson. She just sat on the porch and cheered me on while I mowed the lawn. Thursday we helped the Ko family with their English. That was so fun. Just made me remember how much I love teaching! But English is freaking hard!!! I don't know how people learn it.
Sword fighting with the weeds at Don and Sue's

This weekend there was a big festival called the Oktoberfest at our little community. It was super cool! Friday night was just an alcohol fest but Saturday was awesome because it was more of a family thing. We wanted to just stay for like ever and walk around (it reminded me of the July Jamboree in Cedar), but missionaries have a curfew for some reason?? ;) We got free spine tests and basically our backs and necks are messed up ha. I'm about ready for a chiropractor and also a teeth cleaning. You know what that means? It's been six months!! :)
We were soaked from the rain so when we got to dinner
the member put our clothes in the dryer and gave us robes! :)
Check out the snake around my neck!
We also were able to have a lesson with Irma again finally! It went really well. We haven't been able to see Austin :( Big bummer. We had stake conference yesterday and got a new stake presidency. But our ward actually got moved out of the stake. But transfers are coming anyway so basically it's just a big mess! But Elder Soares who spoke at general conference spoke at our stake conference and it was really cool! :) Yesterday was also Sister Rogers birthday so we got to hang out and celebrate a bit! It was fun. I have some cute pictures. I am sending my flash drive so they will be on my blog soon. Today we watched mormon channel at a members house and wrote our letters, so that was fun! :)

I hope everyone is happy and well! I love you all!

Love, Sister Lowry

Baby turtle we found on the sidewalk!
My cute companion...
Best Friends!
The elders fell asleep while waiting for us to come get the car!
No wonder, they were listening to conference talks!
Ugliest duck ever that charged us!
Saying good-bye to our recent convert family, the Caldwells!  They had to move :(

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