Monday, November 4, 2013

Life is Like a Roll of Toilet Paper...

 Hi family and friends!
It's crazy how fast time flies. That quote about how life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end the faster it goes, is definitely true for a mission! Congrats to my brother Brady for being undefeated in football! That is super awesome. And I hope you all are staying warm! It got a little chilly here this week. Like clear down to 70 degrees. Here is my missionary quote for the week; kinda long but still good :) 

"We as a people have one supreme thing to do, and that is to call upon the world to repent of sin, to come to God. And it is our duty above all others to go forth and proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the restoration again to the earth of the plan of life and salvation... We have in very deed the pearl of great price. We have that which is of more value than all the wealth and the scientific information which the world possesses. We have the plan of life and salvation... The best way in the world to show our love for our neighbor is to go forth and proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which He has given us an absolute knowledge concerning it's divinity." -Pres. Heber J. Grant :)

Here we are still working on getting to know the members and the area. They are super great. I don't remember what I talked about last week but there are tons of Polynesians and Hispanics here so they make us eat so much. Halloween was pretty lame we just stayed in the apartment and planned for the upcoming week. But the ward had a party/trunk or treat the night before so that was fun. We biked a lot this week. We didn't get to meet with Hector but we still visited them and his wife is warming up to us, so we are hoping we can teach all of them! There are a lot of recent converts in this ward so we have been trying to visit all of them. One is named Janice and she is great. Husband is from Poland and not a member so we are hoping we can teach him. He is such a talker though so it might be kinda' tough ha. Not to mention the accent. And I am soo bad with accents. Yikes. There are a ton of less actives and part member families in this ward so we are going to try to work with them. I'm still overwhelmed with the whole whitewashing and bigger area thing, but we are just taking it one day at a time.  
The best thing about this week was that we had Zone Conference on Tuesday. Elder Walker from the Quorum of the Seventy came and trained us and he is awesome. He was a mission president in Tokyo! Pretty cool. I really felt the spirit and needed that upliftment! You wouldn't think that you would get spiritually hungry when you are a missionary, but you do! Well, I do at least. Some things I got out of it were just like little quotes. "Be a little better than your best." And Pres. Berry reminded us to Stand Fast in all that we do. Also, Elder Walker is in charge of temples so I asked him about mine. (When I say mine I mean the Cedar City one;) He said they are behind on designs but that it is going to be an extra pretty one! And this weekend my companion got sick :( I think that our intensity levels are a lot different, so I am going to have to tone it down a little bit. But something that Pres. Eyring said would help us be successful missionaries is what I will end my letter with!
"Be faithful, work hard, and smile." It is simple as that. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Love, Sister Lowry

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like K'Loni is doing great on her mission, thanks for the updates!
