Monday, September 9, 2013

Anyone Know Japanese?? ;)

Hello! :)

So good news, the members of the ward are doing so much better! We have been setting dates with them to have someone to share the gospel with, and they are getting excited and hopefully good things will be coming of it soon! :)


"We have a mission in the world. Each man, each woman, each child who has grown to understanding or to the years of accountability, ought to be qualified to preach the truth." -Pres. Joseph F. Smith :)

So, my companion is finally healthy! Yay! :) And we rocked this last week! We taught way more lessons that we have since we've been here. And we found a new investigator! Which was much needed because Christina got confirmed yesterday! :) Her name is Irma, and we are meeting with her on Saturday :) Only problem, I have the stupid head cold that everyone is getting!! >:( So I'm pretty mad about that. I have done so good this whole time with not getting sick! But I just keep telling myself what dad always told me... "You don't have time to get sick!!" ;)

Well, this week we had exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders. That went well and we learned how we can make each of our contacts count more! :) We also had ZTM (Zone Training Meeting), which was amazing of course! It's always nice to get some insights from other missionaries and to have that spiritual boost! However, it can sometimes make me feel inadequate, but I think that is just Satan putting thoughts into my head... Anyway! I had to give a spiritual thought on a positive attitude! I used one of my favorite quotes since like freshmen year... "Out of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important!" :) The missionaries in my zone got a kick out of that because they know I'm like obsessive about my jewelry and such!

So we got a media referral this week! Which means someone puts a name in on, and we get a text saying to go visit them! It is a Japanese family with the name of Ko. They just moved from Tokyo and are looking for jobs. They know a little English, but barely enough to communicate! Ahh I was just wishing Brenda or Comstock were here soooo bad!! We really want to teach them. They were learning English from the missionaries in Japan, but we don't know how we can really teach them English without knowing Japanese? Yeah, it's a tough situation! But they are super nice people. Just pray for us and them that somehow we can work something out! Please! :)

Overall, it was a good week! Just went by super slow... We got caught in the rain twice! And it's still super hot. But, like I said, we taught more lessons and met a lot of people and the members are getting more involved! :) So as I've mentioned before, the good always outweighs the bad! :) Heavenly Father really does always calculate everything to bless us, as my trainer always said! Even if it takes a while to see that! Patience and a positive attitude are key! :) I love you all and hope school, work, etc. are going well! Have a great week! :)


Sister Lowry

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like that K'Loni is doing super! Sending prayers her way so that she kicks the cold she has out the door!
    Love hearing about her experiences.
