Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall is in the Air!! :)

Hey! :)

The first day of Fall was a few days ago, and it was 90 degrees! Yikes! But I can tell it is getting a little cooler here! There is a nice breeze usually! Too bad I'm missing those fall leaves though! :( This week I learned a lot about faith. You know there is a reason it is the first principle of the gospel! Without faith and charity we have nothing! So my commitment to everyone is to go read Ether 12 :) Missionaries are taught to ask direct questions, such as, "Will you read Ether 12?" When we ask direct questions we usually get a direct answer! So in your own missionary work, try to ask direct questions. And also have faith! Brenda once taught me that if you don't have faith in yourself then you aren't trusting in God either! I love that and have never forgotten it! And remember, faith without works is dead ;)

This week was pretty good! :) We found a new investigator! I love her! Her name is Pamela, and she is from Lima, Peru! :) She is so cute. She was just sitting on a bench outside our apartment one night, and we talked to her for like an hour and walked her home! Then an RM in the ward came and taught her with us because he spoke Spanish :) I am learning more of Spanish phrases because we meet so many Spanish speaking people! It's insane!

We spent a lot of our week cleaning out our area book. Which basically means visiting former investigators and potential investigators found a long time ago. And we did quite a bit of tracting! We seem to be finding more open people, which is exciting! :) We also got to visit some families who are less active, so it was good. We did yard work for Don and Sue like always! Don is reading the Book of Mormon now, but just really struggling with his faith :( We are just praying that he will get answers to his prayers because it is basically up to him now! He just needs to take that leap of faith! We also helped another guy with yard work! He said he would come to church since we helped him, but he didn't :(

We had to say goodbye to our recent convert family the Caldwells! They moved :( So that was sad. But Christina and Alex are doing well! I had a little bit of a rougher week I guess. I just over think things! So I felt like I should ask for a priesthood blessing. Our ward mission leader gave me one after church yesterday, and it was just what I needed! I have felt so much better ever since! The priesthood is so real and is truly the power of God restored to the earth through a living prophet! I love it! :) Speaking of living prophets!!! Ahhh!!! :) Conference is sooo soon!! :) We are so excited! Like counting down the days! And the relief society conference is this week! :) Yay!! :) Except super weird that conference is at noon and two here... Oh well!

I hope you have an amazing week! Don't forget that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you! And a missionary in Florida who loves you too! :)

Love, Sister Lowry

PS: Can you believe it's been five months? Wow!!

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