Monday, September 9, 2013

I'm A Mormon

K'Loni: Student, Missionary, BYU, Cheerleader, Family, Baking, Mormon.Hi I'm K'Loni





About Me

I moved away from home to go to college last fall. It has been really hard being away from my family and my hometown, but I have learned to love it and found ways to make it easier. In my spare time when I'm not studying I like to watch movies, take naps, bake, talk, exercise, and read.


Why I am a Mormon

I am a Mormon first because I was born to parents who are Mormon. Growing up, it was because of them. But, as I got older, I am a Mormon for myself now. Gaining my own testimony made it so much more real to me how true this church is. I know that this is the only true church and that we have a true living prophet and apostles that lead and guide us today, which helps me continue to follow the gospel. I have felt my prayers answered for many things, including how true the Book of Mormon is, and that also keeps me following the gospel of the Mormon church. I know that my Savior lives and loves me, and that is the best reason to be a Mormon to me.


Personal Stories

My mom died in March of 2012. I was a senior in high school, and the oldest of the three kids. It was a challenge for not only my family, but many more, as my mom was a teacher at a local elementary school. Everyone wondered how me and my family were doing so well. With the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation, we knew that we would be able to all be resurrected and be able to see my mom again. We know that families are forever, and that my mom's spirit is around us all the time. The Holy Ghost has never stopped doing it's job as the comforter for me and my family. I couldn't imagine dealing with the death of a loved-one without this gospel. I know that it can help anyone who must deal with death.


How I live my faith

I have a calling in my ward that is sometimes difficult, but I still love it. I love to do my visiting teaching so I can get to know other girls in my ward and help them in any way possible. Since I go to BYU I get to live my faith everyday with the people around me that have the same beliefs. I love being able to serve in any way I can.


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