Monday, September 16, 2013

Charity Never Faileth...

A kid we talked to on the street let us hold his bird :). 
It's name was Gas...the kid was atheist. :(

Hey all!

"True christianity is love in action. There is no better way to manifest love for God than to show an unselfish love for your fellow men. That is the spirit of missionary work." -Pres. David O. McKay

Doing yard work!  :)  Our matching shirts are from this amazing frozen yogurt place!
Charity is seriously the most important thing ever. If you don't show your love for someone, you aren't going to get anywhere. Every single Christlike attribute links back to charity. That is probably the most imporatant thing I've learned so far. I don't know if anyone reads my blog that this will go on, but if anyone who does is considering a mission, you MUST go!! It is the best experience ever. There is nothing more important you could do than serve the Lord. And it is such a blessing to do that and that only for 18-24 months. Not to mention it gets you out of school for a bit! I sure am happy I'm not in Kendra's shoes taking a chemistry and biology test in the same week! Yikes!

We found a turtle in the road :)
Florida wildlife.  These birds are everywhere here!
Anyway, we had a good week! :) It was freakin hot, we didn't have the car, I am so sore from biking so much, and I wrecked again. Except this time I was carrying a huge tupperware thing full of our left overs from dinner! Don't worry, it stayed closed! :) but a car did have to slam on it's brakes so they didn't run me over... :\ Don't worry, I'm fine! And now we have the car. So I should be safe for 7 days.
My cute companion Sister Rogers and me :)
This week we got to feed some ducks in one of the billion little lakes they have everywhere. I was so fun and relaxing! There was a lady there one night and I started talking to her. She seemed kinda down, but I just talked to her about her family and job and church and stuff. She opened up a lot and fed the ducks with us. Before she left she said that she was really thankful that we stopped and talked to her. She said she was dreading it at first because she went on a walk to get away from people and was "in a mood" and knew we were missionaries and would try to be friendly, but that it was just what she needed to talk to us! :) It made me feel so good that I had helped someone out. Charity again!
A quick stop at the temple before a meeting! :)
We got to visit a less active woman last night who has a husband and son who is a rockstar at karate! Usually she just talks with us and we share a scripture, but this time the husband and son joined us! :) I think it was because we got to know them and watched some of his karate videos with them! Hm, what to do you, love again! It reminded me of watching Brady's wrestling videos all the time! This kid was just like Brady. "How'd you do at your tournament?" "Pretty good, I took two firsts and two seconds." Haha it made me feel at home! :)
 Temple tour with Alex & Christina.  They loved it! 
We found someone to help us teach the Ko family English! :) She is a less active woman who lived in Japan and used to teach the children there English! :) We were praying so hard for someone who knew Japanese then I remembered that they had lived there! :) God answers prayers! :) Mormon chapter 9 ;) Also, the Holt family came to church yesterday! :) So that was exciting!
District Preparation Day!
We got to help Don and Sue again this week and had a pretty good lesson with them! Don had a ton of questions but he is such a deep thinker that they are ones that are hard to address so they don't really matter! He is such a talker too so we just listened! And Sue would just laugh and interupt every once in awhile ha. They are coming around I think :)

I made Sister Roger's take her nasty medicine!
Her new medicine was even worse!
We have still just been doing a ton of finding stuff! And sometimes it is really tough. I often feel like asking the "Why does missionary work have to be so hard?" question, but then Elder Holland's voice comes into to head from an aweome talk he gave. "It wasn't easy for Jesus Christ, what makes you think it should be easy for you?" And he goes on to talk about how we get to walk shoulder to shoulder with Christ in this work. It is so true. I have never felt closer to my Savior! It's amazing! :)

Well, I hope all is well and that y'all are loving the fall season! I am missing it! We are still in the 90's till about Halloween I hear! Thanks for all your love and support and prayers! I pray for you every night!

Love, Sister Lowry :)
Christina's baptism! :)
Alex & Christina's wedding!
Alex and Christina's rings!

I tied like 80 of these burlap bows for a wedding reception. 
Guess cheerleading did me some good.  Haha!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Awesome Awesome!
    Sounds like K'Loni is doing great, and you can tell that she loves her Missionary work.
    Sorry to hear that she wrecked again, I like the part when she said "Don't worry, I'm fine! And now we have the car. So I should be safe for 7 days".
    She cracks me up. Just praying that she really is OK, And that the bike she was riding is still rideable. Thanks for posting this, love the pictures.
