Monday, August 26, 2013

Maybe I Should Be a Nurse?

Good afternoon! :) And happy Monday!

Isn't it funny how so many missionaries look forward to Mondays, but most people dread Mondays? Interesting. So, I'm thinking after these first four months that I should be a nurse! Not really, but I have another sick companion! Wow! It's so much fun!!!!!!!!! She is the best though because she just wants to work and will push through it. Although I have to shove medicine down her throat like a five year old. And make her rest. I forgot my quote for the week so I will just remind everyone of my favorite quote by Pres. Ezra Taft Benson! :)

"When you put the Lord first in your lives, everything else will fall into place."

Classic. And so true. Trust me. I'm a missionary ;) So being a representative of Jesus Christ is the best thing ever basically. No one gets to say that besides missionaries and like general authorities, ya know? I forgot my nametag for church yesterday and was thinking about that a lot. I got my hair trimmed and got some layers. So it feels alot lighter and better now. It gets pretty heavy being soaking wet everyday basically haha ;)

So this week was similar to last week. We had Zone Conference, which was amazing, like usual. It's always a good pump up and gives us good ideas and tips for helping the work move forward in our areas. And President Berry is so inspired. Sister Nielson, our health/medical person in the mission is amazing. I texted her a couple weeks ago and asked how much sweat is normal? She almost died. She said a lot in Florida! And of course told me to drink drink drink water and gatorade! Yuck. I hate gatorade. But she said we have to! Then at Zone Conf. she used me as an example in front of everyone!! Oh my gosh I almost died of embarrassment! Especially since my old zone leader that I had/have a crush on was there!!!! But, I got over it :)

We are still working on members and trying to help them in their finding efforts. We are also still doing quite a bit of finding ourselves! We got to do a lot of service this week, so that was exciting! :) We helped Don and Sue again, and are gonna teach them when we go help again this week! Then we got to help a lady in our ward set up for her daughter and son's wedding reception. Yeah. They got married on the same day. Yikes! But it was so fun it just made me want to get married! ;)
Christy and Alex are doing great! We took them to a temple tour this week and they loved it of course! :) We are gonna go shop today to find matching outfits for their wedding on Saturday. Then she is getting baptized the next day on Sunday! We just love them. I will definitely send the pictures next week :) Well, that's about it for today! I hope everyone is doing well and loving school and work and just life! The church is truer than true! :)

Sister Lowry

PS: Go CV soccer and football!! :) (I am now a wolf fan but I'll always be a Falcon at heart haha;)

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