Thursday, August 15, 2013

Coming Right Along!

My favorite place by the river in Cocoa
Hey all! :)
I hope you all had/are having a great end of summer! I am sad school is starting because that means the kids won't be home during the day when we tract, and therefore we find less families :( But that's okay, most people don't answer anyways haha! ;) I think I scare them off because I always have sweat dripping down my face all day long. My companion thinks I'm gross. She doesn't sweat ha. :) I love her so much though. We are gonna be good friends for life I think!

This week was another rough, hot week of finding! :) But, we had an awesome stake meeting last night where our mission president talked more about how it's the members responsibility to find. It sounds like my dad had something similar to that? The church is true and perfect everywhere! :) I loved what was said about how you don't have to be good friends with people to share the gospel with them, you just have to have some kind of relationship! Another guy also said something I loved, it will be my quote for the week! :)

 "If you're still sharing mission experiences from your mission, you need to get some more mission experiences!"

Let's see, we got a brand new 2013 Toyota Corolla to share with the Elders. I was pretty excited about that. Not the sharing part. But i like biking too. My butt just hurts from my crappy seat! But a guy in the ward is getting us new seats :) We tracted this one street this week with no success. There were a couple really rude people who told us we knew nothing about Jesus Christ and that it was a no soliciting area. So that sucked. But Sister Rogers realized that night that the people right after those people were always the really nice ones who needed our prayers with them! (We ask if we can leave blessings on their homes and families when we knock on doors).  So that is like stupid satan always trying to get us down and discouraged, but if we continue to do the Lord's work he will always help us! :) That same day we totally wrecked into each other on our bikes, right in the middle of an intersection, and fell all tangled. That was a good time! :) Even though we had like no success tracting or visiting less actives this week, it was okay! I was reminded of the sons of Mosiah again who got cast out of everywhere they went, but they just kept right on truckin'! And they finally were able to see success....

Speaking of success! Coolest stories! :) There is a family, I might have mentioned them, the Holts. They moved in and a friend of theirs from Idaho emailed our bishop, so we went over there to visit them and invite their girls to Young Womens! Their friend who emailed bishop sent him another email, which he shared with us! I will copy and paste! :)

Dear Bishop Hillis,
I just wanted to pass along what I just read of facebook.

Two sweet young Sister Missionaries found their way to the Holt house today and the girls are excited to go to Mutual on Wednesday evening. Thanks be to the one who led them here Vickie Miller Grover you're a success!!

This just made my day!  Thank you for helping to make this happen.  She said both sisters were from Utah and fairly fresh out of the MTC.  She said she'll watch over them for the next 15 months until they get to go back to their mommas.  
Thanks again!
Vickie Grover

How cool is that?! :)
Another story. So we were having a lesson with a couple recent converts, and we got a voicemail that we listened to after. It was from a less active named Alex who we left a note on his door the week before when we tried to visit but no one was home. (We do that alot). Anyway, he asked to call him back. When we did he mentioned that that him and his fiance had been discussing where to get married right about the time we left our note, so he decided to call us. He said he hadn't been to church in a long time, but he knows that marriage is only until death do us part, but in the temple is for eternity! So his wife agreed to be married in the mormon church, not catholic church, and also agreed to take the lessons and be baptized!!! :) So, we get to participate in a wedding, and when they go get sealed in a year we can both go!! :) Oh my gosh we were freaking out!! So we are going to meet them tonight!! :) Just goes to show that the Lord rewards us for our hard work, even if the results are not direct! :)
My sign in Cocoa!

I got a little heat exhaustion this week. Sister Salvesen, my last companion who got hit by a car, is getting sent home this week :( I am so so sad for her. But knowing her she will be back out quick! She is a great missionary and needs to get healed up, so she will! We found a new investigator for the Elders in our ward, so that was awesome! :) We also taught our maintenance guy about the restoration and the temple! So we are trying to find something else in the apartment that needs fixing so we can get him back to follow up on his Book of Mormon reading! :)

I love being a missionary. I love this gospel. It is truer than true. And I love all of you! :)
Sister Lowry

1 comment:

  1. Wow! SOunds like K'Loni is doing so well on her mission. I just love her stories, and especially the one about them wrecking their bikes into each other! Priceless!!!!
    We love you K'Loni1 Keep up the Lord's work, and the blessing will pour in.
