Monday, August 19, 2013

School is in Full Swing! :)

 Hey all!

 Oh my gosh I have the most stunning/sharp family! Thank you so much Brenda for sending those pictures from the first day of school! I hope school has started off great for all of you, and for those who it hasn't started yet, best of luck! :) I can definitely say I am glad I'm not going! However, school here started today, and I feel like I might as well be going because of how much it affects us as missionaries! Families won't be home as much during the day now. And not to mention we bike by the high school and like 3 middle schools and elementary schools a day! It's gonna be hard going past that football field...makes me miss the glory days of CV football!! ;)

 My quote for the week:

"There is no man or woman in this church who is not on a mission. That mission will last as long as they live, and it is to do good, to promote righteousness, to teach the principles of truth, and to prevail upon themselves and everybody around them to live those principles that they may obtain eternal life." -my boy, Pres. Brigham Young ;)

It's so true. Even if you are just planting seeds, which is what we are doing a lot of right now! :)

So it was kind of a weird week. It seemed like we had a lot of meetings. And didn't do much proselyting. But that's okay! This week will actually be pretty similar since we have zone conference. Which should be great. We had trainer follow up meeting this week, which is where we basically just go and get encouragment for our training. So that was cool. I didn't really need it because my trainee is awesome. But it was fun seeing everyone.
 So our mail has been like lost for the past 3 weeks. We finally found out it has been going to the elders apartment! I was mad. But it's all figured out now :) We got to help an older couple with yardwork this week, which was so fun! No one ever lets us help with anything, as I've mentioned before, so were very happy! We have a couple more opportunities to serve this week, so that should be good :)

So Christy, the miracle fiance of a less active guy, we got to meet with twice this week. She loves the Book of Mormon already, and it super excited to learn and become a part of this church! They met with the bishop and set up a wedding date for August 31! :) They asked us to be their witnesses! We are SO stoked! :) That also means we get to buy new outfits! You can't go to a wedding in old clothes, right? And there is a huge shopping center here in Waterford Lakes, so it should be a fun P-day activity :) She is also planning on being baptized the day after, on September 1, so they can be sealed as close as possible to their anniversary! :) Super super cool. Hopefully we will find more people to teach this week :)

I usually write down things I want to tell you about from my journal, but I forgot/didn't have time, so that is all I really have to say this week! Stay cool ;) I love you all and keep you in my prayers!

 Love, Sister Lowry

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