Sunday, March 8, 2015


Over the past few years I've found that one of the hard things we do on an almost daily basis is try to find peace. It's something we all want and strive for, but for some reason it seems hard to come by. This weekend I have felt so much peace and wanted to share some ideas of how we can all feel that more in our lives.

1. Attend the temple. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the temple is very important to me. We go there to learn and grow closer to God. It is the most peaceful place on earth. I promise. Yesterday I was able to go with my parents. I can't believe it's been two years since my dad and I went for the first time together. It was a long hard road to get there, but the blessings that have come into our lives since then have been unbelievable. (To learn more about temples visit

2. Catch up with old friends. I got to hang out with three of my best friends from home this weekend. I heard a statistic once that catching up with old friends helps your immune system so that you will get sick less! I believe it! Knowing that I have people who care about me and have a sincere interest in my life and well being brings me a lot of peace.

3. Find beauty in everything around you. I live in the most fascinating place. Looking around me this weekend and noticing all of the beautiful things made me so grateful, and "a grateful heart is a happy heart," which is a peaceful heart. The temple--lovely. The view of St. George from Dixie Rock--exquisite. My friends who got married yesterday--dazzling. My run down Cedar Canyon and with the snow and the river--magnificent. My sisters and best friends who made time hang out with me--stunning. BYU basketball winning their game last night--excellent. Missionaries returning home with honor--wonderful.

If you are wound up and needing to feel peaceful, these are just a few simple things that help me. Find what gives you that feeling, and remember it. I would love to hear about what brings you peace. :)


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