Sunday, March 15, 2015

Overcome. Conquer. Rise above.

For the past four weeks I've had to do a plant-based, whole foods diet modification for one of my classes. It was... hard. We were allowed dairy once a week, meat/eggs once a week, and no sugar. I know, you're wondering what I've been eating for the past month, right? Basically fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Thank goodness I enjoy eating all of those things. But, for those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE sugar. My sweet tooth can be uncontrollable at times. So the dairy and meat wasn't too bad, but turning down every sweet thing that someone offered me was... pure torture.

Looking back, I have learned so much. About food and about myself. I was addicted to sugar. Like literally. I craved it after every meal. In fact, I still do sometimes. And that is the thing about addictions. They don't just "go away." No, I'm not an expert or anything close to that, but I have had experiences with it in my life. It is real and it is not fun. I've watched several loved ones deal with addictions and trust me, it didn't only affect them. Addiction is a hard thing that we deal with, and it ruins lives. But, the thing I love is that there is hope. Always. We CAN overcome our addictions. Whether it be food, drugs, pornography, work, or whatever it is that tempts us. Guess what. Someone has been there. Someone has felt that.

Our Savior Jesus Christ felt each and every one of our temptations. He knows how it felt when my professor brought cookies to class and I had to pass the plate right along without taking one. I know it might sound dumb, but I really did count on the Atonement of Jesus Christ to help me through times like that! And now I realize that I don't need that ice cream after dinner or that piece of chocolate after lunch. You don't need that cigarette or that drink or those extra hours at work or your social media. You probably think you do, but I promise that you can rise above that. It doesn't come over night, but you can overcome and conquer those things that hold you down.

But what about setbacks? Well, they don't last. You can always change. You can always start new. Did I slip up on this diet? Of course. Did I make up for it by exercising extra? Oh yeah. Does my body feel so much better than it did a month ago? Yes! Know that you can do it and you are not alone! Elder M. Russell Ballard, an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ said it perfectly. "I have seen the marvelous blessing of recovery that can set one free from the chains of addiction. The Lord is our Shepherd, and we shall not want as we trust in the power of the Atonement. I know the Lord can and will free the addicted from their bondage, for as the Apostle Paul proclaimed, 'I can do all things though Christ which strengtheneth me.' (Philippians 4:13)."

For more about overcoming addiction visit

We love green smoothies! 

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