Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Differences and Love

At institute tonight the lesson was on love. How can we love those around us more than we do already? And how will that help us overcome hard things and differences? A couple months ago I remember be so upset with my brother that I couldn't even handle it. I was literally having a come apart because of our differences and how frustrating it was. Luckily, it was during Christmas time, so I had the reminder of the Christmas spirit, which is to love. It took a lot of prayer and humility on my part, but I was able to work through my frustration and love him.

"Love is the only force that can erase differences [between people]." -President Gordon B. Hinckley

Differences in the world is one hard thing that we may have to deal with. Or should I say get to deal with? We all have our differences. And we may not agree with everything going on around us. But this quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, former president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, basically sums up the cure, if you ask me. President Hinckley has a special place in my heart because he showed so much love to everyone, whether he knew them personally or not. This is also how our Savior Jesus Christ worked. He loved everyone with a pure and perfect love. And guess what he asked us to do? The same! "...love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34). There are so many ways we can look at the topic of love, but the most important way is to remember the way the Savior loved.

Two examples that never cease to love me as Jesus would are my roommates. They serve me, compliment me, listen to me, and deal with me. Every day. I am so grateful for them and their example of this that reminds me to do the same. What will you do to love those around you more perfectly?


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