Monday, March 3, 2014

A New Batch of Pictures!

District P-Day Ice Skating!

Golden Corral after ice skating!

 Christmas morning!  I got spoiled! :)

The Medina's new bird

Luis Medina's snake

Made a wish!

Birthday party at the Medina's.  I love them!

Our Christmas/Birthday card wall!  We are loved!

This is for Kendra!

Alex & Esther Marie!

Temple tour with the Thomas family!  I loved them!

An amazing Victorian doll house that a guy was making for his granddaughter.  
He was very talented!  Reminded me of when my dad 
made me a doll house when I was 3!  :)

My daughters at the mission conference!  
People tell us we look like we could be related for reals!

Sofia let me pull her tooth out!

Happy birthday to Deni Delcore on February 5th!

Erbiti, Thomas, Asencio families!

Blackmail of Hermana Monson!  My favorite Spanish sister!  
We are going to live together at BYU, hopefully!

District P-day!  Pedicures!  :)

P-Day at the Medina's!  We had a mini salon!  
Linzy let me cut her hair!  Brother Medina trimmed ours!

Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week. Our week went pretty well! Transfer week is always hard. Like I said, I stayed in Hunter's Creek, but adjusting to a new companion can be a bit of a challenge! We are doing pretty well though. Totally different personalities, but we love the gospel, and that is what matters! This week I have been studying the words of King Benjamin in Mosiah, and I have just been loving it! I bore my testimony yesterday on how the only way we can be saved is through Jesus Christ, and how we say it and know it, but how often do we REALLY think about it? There is no other way, name, means. NONE! If we aren't following Christ, we aren't going to be able to live with God again. And that is our purpose in this life! Is to be happy and return to our Heavenly Father. There are people who don't know this, so please, tell them! :)
Everyone is doing pretty great! Iliana is doing amazing. Her and Yvette are just absorbing everything! They are reading and praying and coming to church. Yvette is such a missionary. She bore her testimony yesterday and I just cried because of how much she has grown and her love for the gospel. Iliana is ready for her baptism here in a couple weeks! All the recent converts are doing wonderful, and we are just working on finding new people now! And getting these few that we are teaching baptized of course!  We didn't get to see everyone this week :( There were a lot of "family emergencies" for some reason... But Daphney, the teenager, is also doing great! She has such a strong desire to follow God, and we are super excited for her to come to Young Women's this week!
We had a training this week to help us learn how to use the iPads better. Just us and the "Traveling Sisters." They are traveling the mission to train us all. I did learn a lot, but I am still having a hard time really embracing it! So I set some goals for myself ha. The Medina's picked us up after in a 2014 Mustang Convertible! So we got to ride in that! It was super fun! Reminded me of when my dad's friend John let me drive his BMW convertible! Good times. This week our car has to get fixed so we will be biking a ton. My companion might pray for her haha!
We email and the employment services office, and there is a new senior couple that just got here from Cedar City, Utah! They were my Grandma Sandy's home teachers! How crazy is that! They recognized me right away! They said she was such a sweet independent lady, and I told them they didn't have to tell me that haha ;) All of our senior couples in the mission are so amazing. Well, sorry I don't have much to say this week! I guess my chastising for not sending LETTERS caused everyone to email me! So I need to hurry and try to reply to some of you! Have a great week! :) Dios la bendiga!

Sister Lowry

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures K'Loni, Ice-scating, did you have fun doing that? I'm that you did. Love the salon pictures and that the Elders joined in, How fun.
    Sounds like you are doing amazing and really loving your mission. Keep up the good work.
