Monday, March 24, 2014

11 Months Today!

March 24, 2014
Happy Birthday to my beautiful little sister Savannah! I love you missy! :) Also happy birthday to Cobi Walker, one of my good friends since 4th grade! He probably won't see this, but that is okay!
I want to share what I learned in my studies this morning, because it was super cool. I was reading in Jesus the Christ about when Christ was sending his Apostles out on their missions. They were told to be fearless and not hesitate to preach the gospel in plainness, because the most that their persecutors could do was kill the body! I totally thought of member missionary work. Be fearless! The Lord will take care of you! What is the worst that could happen, really? I hope you are all sharing the gospel! We have no time to waste! :)
I also hope everyone had a good week. Ours was kinda rough again because my companion had a migraine all week. So we didn't get to do all the things we wanted to, but we still saw some great things happen! We had people come to church! And Sal went to the addiction recovery class with us on Thursday! Sal was the guy holding the sign on OBT that I told you about last week. He loved the class. So did I of course! That class holds a special place in my heart! Sal also came to church yesterday and liked it! :) So we are teaching him tonight.

We also started teaching a mom and her two daughters and they are so sweet! They came to church too. The little girls are like sponges and just loving what we teach them! We didn't really get to see anyone else much this week. We stopped by the Amone's for just a minute, because we hadn't seen them in forever. We had family prayer with them and it was so powerful! I really felt the spirit. They are so close, but I will most likely get transferred and not be there for their baptism! I just worry because my companion hasn't been here very long, so she doesn't quite have the love for these people yet that I have gotten over the past 5 months here. But, maybe I will stay another transfer! Who knows!
I got to relive my glory days again this week! Did some tumbling with the teenage girls we are teaching! I helped Ana do her round-off back-handspring! It was so fun :) I can still tumble a little bit! The girls are doing pretty good but we are trying to get their family more involved; their parents just work so stinking much! The cost of living here is a lot more than in Utah :(
Iliana and Yvette are doing fantastic. When they talk and testify they sound like they have been members for years! They both are completely different people than when I first got here and met them. It is so amazing what the Atonement can do in people's lives. We are so blessed to be able to witness that! Definitely the best thing I have done in my life. I cannot believe it has already been 11 months. I feel like I have missed out on so much, but I feel like you all are missing out on even more! ;) Have a great week!

Love, Sister Lowry 

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