Monday, March 31, 2014

2 Years

 The dog suit is our investigator Sal

Hey all! Sorry I am writing so late. It has been a crazy day. Funny how P-day is supposed to be relaxing...HA!!
Well it has been 2 years today since my mom passed away. I have felt her really close this week and been comforted by the Holy Ghost, as I have been this whole time. We sang I Know That My Redeemer Lives in sacrament meeting yesterday and I was bawling like a baby because that is the song we sang at her funeral. I know she is with me and we are doing this work together! I have been thinking a lot about Alma 56 when the stripling warriors give credit to their moms for teaching them not to doubt. I am very grateful to my mom and stepmom for teaching me not to doubt and to have faith. Their trust in the Lord has been such an example to me that I will never forget and I hope to teach to my children someday. I also got some great mail and packages this week from friends and family that really boosted my spirits! So thank you!! :)

So last week I was kinda’ sick with some weird stomach thing. I don't even know. Like every time I ate I felt sick. I finally just stopped eating because that is the only thing that helped! But I can't turn down the dinners that members feed us, so it was rough. I am feeling a little better though. It was probably just stress, you know me! I am just still being very careful about what I eat. There is a plus though, I lost three pounds ;)
District P-day last week! :)

We did a lot of finding this week. Trying to find people who are prepared to hear the gospel, because the people we have been teaching aren't really progressing. We had a couple cool miracles. One guy, William, we had a teaching record for from a few years back, but when we tried visiting him his family said he moved to New York. Well, when we were biking home from the church one day, we stopped and talk to this guy, and guess who it ended up being! William! He moved back! So we are hoping to start teaching him! We are still kind of teaching Sal and the others. Just not much to update on I guess!
I think it was actually that same day that Brother Medina called us as we were biking home, and said that his daughter Jen wanted us to stop by. Jen has 3 kids and is less active, and we have tried to visit her so many times, but no one ever answers! She has been pretty not receptive. So we were super excited! She was so sweet and just needed someone to talk to! She knows she needs to come back to church and wants her kids to have what she had growing up. It was really cool.
The Johnson's, senior missionary couple from Cedar City, fed us this weekend! She made homemade chicken noodle soup, and it reminded me of the kind my grandma Sandy makes all the time! I felt at home. Everyone has been so great to me here. Transfers are next week, so it will be sad if I leave, but I am ready to go. I thought I was leaving last time! But the Lord knows what I need and what the area needs!
I love you all and hope you have a great week! Please enjoy General Conference this weekend! I know I will! :) And invite your friends to listen! ;)
Love, Sister Lowry

This sign is one in the doctor's office that I loved

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