Monday, March 10, 2014

Glory Days!

Hey all!

We had a great week! I was a little discouraged like at the first because I felt like we had to keep getting the numbers and having the same success as last transfer, but I'm feeling a lot better now! I know, it's not about the numbers.  But still. Ah ok so I have so much to tell you about! My companion and I are still getting along okay... I am having to be very patient again though. But she is a very positive person, which is great! The area is still doing pretty well. Since we had to put all of our records into our iPads recently, we've been asked to visit all former investigators, which is a TON for us. Some areas have more than others.  So we have been working on that, and been able to see miracles from it!
Most of the people we are teaching are doing well. Daphney, the senior in high school, finally came to church yesterday, and she liked it! :) We were super excited! But everyone else just like randomly got super busy, so we weren't really able to meet with them :( So that was a bummer. We try to keep in contact with text and Facebook. Technology is such a blessing. We also started teaching a couple more high school girls. They are super cute, and I am going to help Ana with her tumbling so she can try out for cheer soon! Iliana is still getting baptized this weekend, so that will be exciting :) Edwin is being kind of a punk still. The Quinn family got back from Hawaii so we were able to teach them and they sent us home with Girl Scout cookies and salmon! I just love them so much! Kevin and Felipe, the ones that just got baptized, got the Aaronic priesthood yesterday, so that was just super neat to watch! :) I am so proud of them!

We had a zone meeting this week, which was so great. We all really got motivated to work harder. Elder Perry came and talked to the stake presidents and ward councils a while ago, and set like a vision for the south east. So our Zone Leaders shared it with us, and talked about how we can work towards it! Our Zone like rocked it last transfer, so we talked about what we need to keep doing, which is basically having faith and being diligent. Faith and diligence are sooo important! I had to give spiritual thoughts on that in district meeting and zone meeting! Everyone said I did really well :) Also, the Zone Leaders told us that our zone had 12 member find baptisms last transfer. That is so great for us! :) And 5 of them were the families that we taught! So that was exciting! I think the members are finally starting to catch on. We had exchanges with our STLs and we were talking about how the work really is hastening. Like when we were younger, the idea of the "being a missionary" was being a good example. People are still in that mindset, and they need to get out! We cannot afford to just be "good examples" anymore! We just don't have time for that! We need to open our mouths and invite! We have been talking a lot about the word URGENCY haha :)

Saturday was our ward picnic, which was a blast! We ate of course, and then played volleyball. My team killed it :) Mom would have been so proud ha! Then the ball got stuck in a tree so we decided to do a stunt to get it out! Hence the title, "Glory Days!" The Medina girls are both cheerleaders, so Anzli and I based, Linzy flew, and my companion, who has never even thought of doing anything like this a day in her life, backspotted! :) She did very well! We ended up stunting for like an hour! It was soooo fun! I miss it so much!!  But now I am super sore... It's okay though! Totally worth it! :) I'm including some pictures!
Have a great week! :)

Love, Sister Lowry

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