Monday, April 7, 2014

What a Blessing!

The Medina Family

 Good morning everyone! 

Wow, wasn't General Conference amazing? I hope you were all able to watch it. I am so grateful for our prophet and the apostles. We were able to be spiritually rejuvenated and receive guidance from our Heavenly Father! What a blessing! This is a phrase that my district has adopted because our amazing district leader, Elder Waller, says it all the time! It is kind of a silly thing, but has helped us to recognize the blessings and miracles we get to witness every day! What did you love about conference? I heard from a few of you; thanks for sharing! I really don't think I could pick a favorite, but I loved the talks from the First Presidency. They are truly inspired.
Congrats to my brother Brady and my dad for taking stake in wrestling AGAIN! I am so proud! :) Exactly a year ago Saturday I was able to be sealed to my wonderful family for eternity! It seems like it was yesterday. I am so grateful that our families can be together for eternity because of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Adao's

So, transfers are tomorrow, and I am finally leaving! I have been here for 6 months. I am a little worried about leaving my recent converts, but I am excited for a change. I need it! We don't find out where we are going until tomorrow. Tonight I will be saying goodbye to all the wonderful friends I have made here! I have loved seeing this area grow and flourish since I got here in October. It was kinda dead. As I've said before, faith and hard work brings miracles!
I don't remember much exciting news from last week. There was one cool miracle though. Sal now holds another sign on a different busy street. I sent the picture of him in the dog suit. Well, we took a little detour to see him on Thursday, and as we were biking there, I felt that we should go visit this couple we met like a month ago. They seemed super solid, but when we went back, no one answered. And we knew they were home. Missionaries become pretty stalkerish. Anyway, we tried again and Haley was home and let us right in! She apologized for before, and we were able to teach her! She is so cute and is really excited to learn about the gospel. She and her boyfriend want to come to church, it has just been hard to meet with them since!
The Johnson's from Cedar City!

Oh, we also had Zone Training Meeting this week, which was amazing! The work is totally changing. There is a huge push now to just baptize. We do so many things as missionaries, but it is all to baptize! We brush our teeth to baptize! It's not our job to prepare people anymore. I hope you will all take the counsel from conference to study Preach My Gospel. It is an inspired book! It has changed my mission and my life!

I could write forever about all this spiritual stuff, but I'm sure you get sick of it ha! Hopefully I will have more exciting things to talk about next week with a new area and new companion! Here are some pictures!

Love, Sister Lowry 

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