Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Week!

Hellooo to my wonderful family and friends! :)

I am so excited for Easter this week. It is such a fantastic time of year. To be celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He does live and that He loves us each so much and so individually. His rising again on the third day makes it possible for us to be saved from death and resurrected. God's plan is so perfect. I am so grateful for it! The church is doing an Easter Initiative thing, so that everyone can share the beautiful Easter message with their friends! Just go to or And the hashtag they are using for everything is #becauseofhim. I am super excited for this and for everyone to be able to use these tools to share the gospel! :) 

Ok, now for the entertaining week I had! Ohhhh my goodness! Remember how last week I said something about how this week's email would be much more exciting because I was getting a new area and companion? Well, that is exactly what happened! Sister Christensen and I have been talking about how we don't know how we are going to fit all the excitement into one hour of emailing! We came to a brilliant conclusion! Lists ;) 

  1. Monday I said goodbye to all my family in Hunter's Creek. It was sad of course, but after 6 months, I was ready to go. Tuesday morning was transfer meeting, which is always exciting but also nerve wracking! 
  2. My new companion is Sister Christensen from Washington state. She is amazing and we are already best friends! She went to cosmotology school in Orem and is licensed so she judges my hair, make up, skin, products, etc!!!! haha just kidding, she totally doesn't! But I get free haircuts now ;) It's like $40 for a trim over here. But seriously we get along so well and teach well together and it is soooo nice! 
  3. My new area. You are going to die. I did. I am in a YSA ward called College Park. We work on UCF campus. The second largest school in the country. Yeah, ask me! I thought I would never serve in a YSA ward! But here I am! So far it is really cool, but I feel like I'm back at college! But everyone was jealous that I got transferred here because I guess it is like the best or something! So far the members are really cool and we have a couple investigators we are working with that should be getting baptized over the next few weeks! 
  4. This week we basically only had 2 days to actually do missionary work. So our numbers were a little discouraging, but we are excited to start a new week! The next 2 weeks are finals, then there is a break between semesters, so it might be a little rocky finding people to teach, but we have faith! :) 
  5. Thursday my companion may or may not have gotten hit by a car on her bike...but she is fine!! These Orlando drivers might be the death of us....
  6. Friday we had an all sisters meeting, which was awesome! We had some cool little workshops and they put together a little missionary mall of donated clothes, accessories, products, etc! So that was fun! It is always fun seeing the other missionaries. 
  7. Saturday we got to go to the Fort Lauderdale Temple Open House!!!!! AHHH!! I know!!! It was sooo amazing!! The bus ride was a little rough, but seeing the temple and having our investigators see it was so neat. We didn't get home till midnight!! I thought I was going to die! We really did feel like death though. Plus my companion is having to take muscle relaxers when she sleeps, so waking up has been really rough, and she has been talking in her sleep! 

I hope you all have an amazing week and a great Easter! I know it will be if you make it that way! Remember that you are a child of God and He loves you more than you can comprehend! I love you too! xoxoxo

Love, Sister Lowry 

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