Monday, April 21, 2014

One Year Already?

Matching Easter skirts!

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope you all had an amazing Easter. It was definitely one of the best ones I've had yet. Easter is my favorite holiday, so I was worried that I would have a hard time not being with my family, but it was super good! We had an awesome musical program for church. Two of our investigators were there and were able to get priesthood blessings after. We had a great dinner with 2 members, a less active, and James, our investigator :) We all shared our testimony of the Atonement and Resurrection and it was so spiritual! I shared how I came to appreciate the Savior's Atonement through losing my mom. How I knew that He was the only one who knew exactly how I felt, so I was able to rely on that and I didn't have to carry the burden alone. Also how in Mosiah 16 it says that the grave has no victory and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ because of His Resurrection.

Our Easter dinner hosts

We used the Easter stuff from a ton in our finding and teaching this week. It was super helpful! The #becauseofhim video was just amazing and all the students that we showed it to on campus loved it! One guy texted us after and said, "I appreciate what you guys are doing and the love you have for it. Keep doing what you love, and it will be your legacy. It was His." We thought that was so nice!

So, lots of people have been asking if my address is the same. Yes, it is. All mail goes to the mission office, so it will always be the same mailing address even if I get transferred! Thanks! :)

I forgot to mention last week that UCF means University of Central Florida. :) This week is finals here, and I am stressing out! I might as well be taking them! I just can like feel it in the air and it just reminds me of finals week at school! Yikes! So this week and next might be a little hard for us missionaries to find people to meet with us. But we are just gonna have faith that the Lord will provide! There is us and the elders who have the same area and work mostly on campus. It has been kind of weird lately because it's gotten almost a little competitive! Hellooo! We are all on the same team here, duh! But the elders used to have a different area, and now it is the same as ours. So we are trying to work with the members to bring their friends and stuff, then the elders just jump in and take all of the referrals from members! So we had a little talk with them and the ward mission leader about it, and it should be getting better! I think our district leader (the one we share the area with) is sick of my attitude haha.

Please please please keep our investigators James, Hayder, and Cody in your prayers. Especially James. He is supposed to get baptized on Saturday, but he keeps letting stupid little concerns get to him and he is doubting it. We have already pushed it back once, and we cannot do it again! Yes, all of our investigators are male...don't even ask me haha.

I am still loving it here so far and I love my companion so much! We probably get along a little too well... And we are probably going to live together once she gets back. :) I want to wish the best step-mom ever a Happy Birthday this Wednesday! :) And oh my gosh you guys...guess what Thursday is!!!!! My year mark!!! AHHHH!!!! I can't believe it. I seriously just feel like I was walking into the MTC last week!

Love, Sister Lowry 

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