Monday, February 24, 2014

10 Months and a Trip to the Temple!

Just a picture from the temple! Check out all the elders in the background...

Happy 10 Month mark to me! :) I seriously feel like I just got here. Crazy. Man, you really find out who your friends are when you go on a mission huh?!  I haven't even gotten a letter from any of my family since Christmas! Thanks guys! But Gia Allred, one of my mom's rodeo friends, who I don't know if I have ever even met in person, is taking care of me! So thank you Gia! You are awesome! :)
Transfers are tomorrow. I am staying here in Hunter's Creek, which is a huge surprise. We all thought I was leaving because I have been here since October, and usually the trainer is the one to get transferred. But not this time! I am excited to get a new companion because I need a little change I think. Sister Jacklin is going to do great wherever she goes. She has become a great missionary! So I will get a new companion tomorrow and you will get a picture next Monday. That will also probably the last picture I send for a while because I am getting way too fat to take pictures! This transfer (6 weeks), I am really going to work on eating less sweets. Everything else about what I eat is fine. I just can't resist the treats. :( So pray for me haha!
Everyone we are teaching is doing pretty well. We set some baptismal dates this week, so that was very exciting! If you want to pray for them by name they are Edwin, Iliana, and Daphney. :) And the Amone's are still working on getting a date set. Sometimes it can be so frustrating when people don't keep their commitments, but we can't give up on them! We went to the temple on Friday and oh my gosh... It was SO AMAZING! I cried of course. I was on a spiritual high as well. We weren't going for ourselves. We were going to receive revelation for our areas and people we are teaching. But I needed the spiritual boost! It was wonderful. I hadn't been for 10 months. Can you guys who have been to the temple imagine not going for ten months? Yeah. It was tough!
We also had Zone Conference this week, which was really good too. We talked a lot about the iPads and internet proselyting. It is still pretty tough, but we are getting better at it day by day. President Berry told us in our email today that the past month in the mission we have had more baptisms than in the whole history of the mission. WOW! The Lord is truly hastening His work. And the technology really is helping! You can all use technology to spread the gospel too! If you follow the Quorum of the Twelve and other church things on Facebook, they always post cool stuff, and you can share it! :)
This week as we were trying to contact some former investigators, we met a woman named Rosenie. She said she would be at church on Sunday, and she actually came! :) People say they will come, but never do. So we were super excited! We are pretty sure she liked it, and we are going to set up a time to meet with her this week! So that was a cool miracle! :) I wish I had entertaining news, but everything is just the same here! Sorry! Have a great week! :)

Love, Sister Lowry

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