Monday, February 17, 2014

A Child's Faith

 P-Day Pedicures!

Okay I seriously love you all so much, but I don't have enough energy to email today! I do want to share a cool miracle that happened though! I'm not going to lie to you, I had a rough week! But, we still rocked it. Our district leader gave like the best compliment to us this morning. He said, "Your area is like a model to for all other areas." That made me feel so good! But I know that it's all Heavenly Father just blessing us so much. The Zone Leaders also asked us this week how we have had such a great transfer. We had a few reasons, but we came down to basically, Never Give Up. We didn't give up and we never took breaks! We have zone conference this week and they might ask us to share something at it. Yikes. Anyway, time for my miracle! 

On Friday night at our dinner appointment I didn't lock my bike. Usually we are pretty safe to not, but my lock disappeared a while ago. So, when we got done with dinner at the Gomez's and headed to our next appointment, it was gone. We all searched around for a bit. Brother Gomez drove around looking for it, and Sister Gomez took us to our appointment. Their 6 and 4 year old kids got in the car and told me they said a prayer that we would be able to find my bike. I was so touched! At our next lesson I could barely think, let alone teach! Well in short, Brother Gomez found a kid riding my bike at a park, put it in his trunk, and took it to our apartment. I told the kids that it was thanks to their prayer and faith. I was so grateful for that family and they Heavenly Father blessed us with that miracle! I would have died without my bike! And I learned a couple good lessons! I will always lock my bike from now on, and I need it have faith more like a little kid! 

Another cool thing, Ana and Felipe got baptized, and it was beautiful of course. I know they are going to be great members. We started teaching Edwin, Yvette's neighbor, and he is super cool. He has come to church twice already. Yvette, also invited her sister, Iliana, to church and the baptism. She loved it and wants to start the lessons again! We taught her at the first if you remember. Another family we are teaching came to church on Sunday, and they almost didn't, so that was awesome. The Amone family didn't come :( So we were sad. Lauren didn't either, but she is doing pretty well! We have been teaching her on Facebook and that has been working pretty well. 

Ipad training

This week we get to go to the temple and have zone conference, so it should be exciting. I need it! It has been 10 months since I've been to the temple! Then next week is transfers. So this weekend we should be finding out if I am leaving! We have been so busy, which is so good. But I was reminded of President Uchtdorf's talk from October 2012 yesterday, which I needed! He talked about how he couldn't imagine Christ hustling and bustling around trying to get to meetings and stuff, so we don't need to be like that either! That has totally been me. I have always been known to put too much on my plate and stress out! Some things never change ha. Well, talk to you next week! 

Love, Sister Lowry 

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