Sunday, June 16, 2013

"You bike in skirts?"

Wow! So much this week! I am starving right now! And you know what is so weird? I have been burping so much since I got out here! I didn't really used to before! I don't know what is wrong with me! :( Also, I haven't slept well since I've been here either. It freakin sucks. And, I have weird dreams, which I never used to dream! The other night I had a dream we were cleaning out our nasty old van we used to have, and my mom was trying to throw away the quilt I just made out of all my high school t-shirts! What the freak?!
Anyway, I am doing well. Had a little break down this week. Of course it led right back to how impatient I am. In my first interview with President he knew that would be my problem here. I just was feeling like I had no faith in my investigators, and it was because I wasn't willing to be patient and realize that not everyone is going to get baptized tomorrow! So I cried and my companions consoled me! Which was a first because I have had to be the one consoling them since we got here! And I am doing much better now. Just trying really hard to be patient and asking the Lord to help me strengthen my faith! And of course, He always will! :)
A tropical storm, Andrea, came this week. So it rained a lot. And was humid. Yesterday got to like almost a hundred degrees so I was very thankful for 1 o clock church! Which, by the way, the bishop asked us three to speak! It went amazing! :) Everyone in the ward said good job and that they loved it! We also had Steve (the alcololic) and Grace (the jehovah witness) there! :) They both loved it! I was so happy to be able to talk. We just spoke about our decisions to serve missions so I talked about Chase's jars again and about getting sealed in the temple and doing mom's temple work. And just how happy this gospel makes me that I just want everyone to have that joy that I have from it! Everyone loved it. And our bishop and his wife are amazing. They had us over twice last week!
Someone actually let us pull weeds for once! Whenever we see people out working in their yard or anything, we ask if there is anything we can do to help, and no one ever lets us! This guy was like, how much do you charge? haha it was funny! He was super nice. Hopefully we will see him again. We got rained on riding our bikes a couple times. It feels so good but sucks after because then we smell like sweat mixed with wet dog haha.
I made no bake cookies this week! We have weekly planning for 3 hours every friday, and it's pretty rough. So we, and when I say we I mean I, usally bake! They loved my cookies. Weekly planning is rough though. It's hard to make it through without getting onry haha. Especially this week because.... Thursday night as we were on our way home the road/highway to our apartment was blocked off on both sides! They wouldn't let us get to our apartment! We found out a power line or something was burning. So it's like almost ten, and missionaries are never supposed to be out past 9:30. So we had to drive about 30 minutes and stay at the other sister's apartment. Ask me if it was ALL TILE FLOOR! And I had no toothbrush, no clothes, no contact solution, and I didn't get to work out the next morning. Yeah. I was mad. But, it is going to be a very funny story later on! :)
Steve is doing okay! He makes us laugh so hard! The other night all of our plans fell through so we prayed to ask to know what to do. Right after that Steve called us and asked if we could come over and pray with him because he'd had a h*ll of a day! So we went up there. Turns out his schitzophrenic roommate stabbed him with a knife twice haha! So we prayed with him and he thought it was amazing! He was like "The thing about it is, I called, and you guys came! That's totally cool man, you know what I'm sayin? It wasn't a miracle, but it was miraculous!" And he was drunk of course. Oh my gosh he makes me laugh so much! And he always will say thank you or amen right in the middle of our prayers. We have to do all we can to contain ourselves and keep from laughing! And he had sat his drink on the ground, and five minutes later, he walked right into it and dumped the whole thing over! I was just waiting for that to happen so I laughed so hard! But he looked so good at church. He went out and bought a shirt and pants and shoes! He only wears flip flops because he has feet problems.
Grace also said something hilarious this week. As we were leaving after our lesson, she was like "You bike in skirts?!" So we said yeah and she was like "Just don't wear a G-string!!" Oh it was so funny. She is 85 years old and sometimes we wonder if she is all there! But her and Steve both have baptism dates for July now! :)
I am loving the work! We still need to find people to teach. Tracting is not very effective. But we think now that we are building a better relationship with the ward, we will get more referrals from them! Well, I got to go! The senior couple in our district is feeding us lunch today! :) Elder Sherwood always calls me Sister Glue because he thinks I'm what holds our companionship together ha! We find out about transfers this week, but I don't think any of us will be getting transferred! We are supposed to finish our 12 week training, but sometimes if they need trainers they take you after just six weeks. I wanted to do that, but I didnt' get an email today so I don't think I am :( Oh well! There is lots of work to be done here! :) Hope everyone is loving their summer!
Sister Lowry :)

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