I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday.
And I hope you all watched the broadcast last night. It was amazing!! I
was sad that not very many members from our ward were watching at the
chapel. So I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and saying they
watched it online ;) It was very good. I always love hearing from the
prophet and apostles. Especially about missionary work. I will
definitely be a member missionary when I get home! Even though it is a
little harder in Utah :) I loved how they talked about how important
less active members are. My companion has always wanted to focus more on
them, but I was always scared. Over half our ward is inactive, so I am
excited to start paying a little more attention to them now! :)
Well, this week went pretty well I guess. Better
than we thought it would with Sis. Salvesen's injuries and all.
Sometimes I wonder how hurt she really is haha ;) I guess she has to
stay on crutches for atleast another week, and can't bike for like 2-3
weeks. :( I was really starting to love biking, so I'm sad. But, since
she is injured, I get to drive! It was weird driving after 2 months. I
know, some of you are dying right now because I shouldn't be allowed to
drive this brand new Chevy Cruze in Orlando traffic, but I did fine,
thank you ;) I also had to buy a GPS. Which was fine haha. Anyway, I am
getting so chubby with members feeding us and not being able to bike or
exercise as much :( Plus, I am so sick of the treadmill. I guess we can
conclude that if I came out here for anything, it was to learn
Let's see, last monday we went shopping to buy Sis.
Salvesen a new skirt. I had to help her because she doesn't know how to
shop for cute things. Not that I do, but I was a little better than her
ha :) We also went around to let Sis. Halliday say goodbye to her
favorites. The best was that we pulled up to Steve's and the cops were
there. We weren't a bit surprised! I guess his schitzophrenic bipolar
roommate called the cops on him. Usually it's the other way around!
Anyway, they told us that they were gonna arrest Steve but when we
pulled up (we waited in the car) Steve told the cop we were having a
bible study and he let him off!! hahaha!! It was the best. An update on
Steve! We took him to a temple tour, and he really liked it! But he kept
saying he was scared because this means he has to change. He wants to
though! :) So, we took the first step and committed him to no more hard
liquor! He would drink a half gallon of rum per day. He has done good
for like 3 days so we are very proud of him! :) Next we will work on the
beer then the cigs ;) He made us biscuits and gravy yesterday, which
were so good! and he also said something that was just amazing. He was
like, "Everything you girls say is the truth. I just feel it. And I
don't mean to get all sappy, but I am really glad you girls found me.
You have no idea how much you have helped me in just three months." Is
has only been like one month, but it was really cool when he said that
Grace is getting baptized on Sunday!!
:) Yay!! I can't wait to send ya'll pictures!! She is so funny. She
asked about a living prophet so we showed her a talk by Pres. Monson.
The first one that came to mind was "The Race of Life," which was the
talk about the Plan of Salvation that he gave last April, right after my
mom died. She loved it! :) Her husband died quite awhile ago, but I
think it means alot to her to know that we will see our families again
after we die :) Everyone is also being so great with her at church! Like
yesterday, she didn't even sit with us! She sat with 3 other old
ladies! :) Super cool. I just remember riding our bikes and I saw her
sitting on her porch so I rode up to her. That was also like a month
ago. So neat :)
we had transfers. So we took Sis. Halliday to Orlando. On the way there
some van just pulled onto the grass in the median and a lady got out.
To be honest I thought she was gonna go to the bathroom right there! But
she actually stopped traffic so that a mom duck and her ducklings could
cross the road! It was so cute! :) Sorry I just had to share that. Only
in Florida! :) It was sad saying goodbye to Sis. Halliday, especially
since Sis. Salvesen and I have no idea what we are doing haha. But we
are getting there! I guess. We also said final goodbyes to Pres. Hall
and Sis. Hall and the missionaries who were leaving.
One of our favorite families in the ward, the
Bentley's, are moving next week :( We are so so sad. So we helped them
with their garage sale this week and I bought a few shirts :) Yes, I
brought a ton of clothes but I am already getting sick of them haha. Our
apartments also had a pool party so we went to that just to get some
food. We were going to try to talk to people but all the guys were just
staring at us and "save a horse ride a cowboy" was playing in the
background so we decided we'd better just leave haha :)
Well, that's pretty much it! It has been hard with
Sister Salvesen. Mostly because I feel like we can't do as much. But
also because we argue sometimes. We both just need to humble ourselves
and have a "come to Jesus meeting" as my dad would say ha :) I pray so
hard for patience and charity, and I am getting there, slowly but surely
:) I feel all of your prayers and they help so much! President Berry is
getting there this week, so pray for him as well probably! Thanks again
for all you do! And I will talk to you next week! I cannot believe I
have already been out two months! Can you??
Sister Lowry :)
I'm just attaching a couple pictures. When I get one of my flashdrives
back I will send more :) We have our little set up on Steve and Eric's
driveway. Oh, Eric pretty much isn't interested anymore I think :( So
sad. Then me and Sister Halliday saying goodbye. We were kind of twins
that day :) Like my new skirt? Then we have Steve at the temple tour!
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