Saturday, June 29, 2013

A temple tour, baptism, sunrise on the beach, and new mission president!

We got to see the temple :)

Sister Pugmire & Sister Hiatt, my friends from the MTC
Sister Halliday, my trainer :)

The awesome seafood restaurant we went to after Nick's baptism--Dixie Crossroads
There were turtles there :)
Nick & Kelly Justus and their baby Luke at Nick's baptism!

Nick & us. I was beaming.
A member made us collect his chicken eggs before they fed us!  The boots are the best part!

Sunrise at Cocoa Beach for District P-day! :)
It was one of the most beautiful things I've seen!

Yes, I still wear ribbons in my hair!  #cheerleaderatheart  haha!

My district!
The sister training leaders!  (Like zone leaders but sisters.)

Yeah.  I know.  I'm awesome.  haha

No better feeling!
Best flower I've ever seen.
Nick's wife, Kelly, made us drinks with umbrellas.
I know I look like a freak, but I catch frogs all the time at our apartment!  :)

When they wouldn't let us go to our apartment because a power pole was burning so we were homeless and had to go sleep at the sister training leaders' apartment 30 minutes away :(
They have the  HUGEST grasshoppers here.
When the Sherwoods fed us lunch!  Elders and Sisters are never supposed to eat together but for some reason President approved!  :)  Me, Elder Galindo, Elder McGregor, Elder Lindstrom, Elder Reneer, Sister Halliday, Sister Salvesen!

Sister Sherwood taking us on a ride!

Sister Sherwood's favorite spot. :)
She let me drive!  Brave, I know!

Ask me how weird it was after not driving for almost 2 months!
We got caught in a huge rain storm and were SOAKED!
Good thing an inactive guy saw us biking a few days earlier and brought us ponchos! :)

 The AMAZING Sherwoods that I always talk about.  You can probably find them on facebook!  Kathleen Sherwood from New Mexico. :)
Saying goodbye to President & Sister Hall!  Probably find them on facebook too!  I think it's Gary & Susan...
Saying goodbye to Elder Riley, our district leader!

Yes, it got to 110 degrees as were leaving zone conference in Orlando.
When Sister Salvesen got hit by a car on her bike!
We were in the ER for 5 hours.  Yes, the Lord is still trying to teach me patience!

The baby frog I caught outside our apartment :).  They are everywhere!
I also found a lizard eating a worm.  These lizards are EVERYWHERE!

At the temple tour!  Bea, the member who helped put our apartment together, was nice enough to take us! :)
This is our investigator, Grace.  :)

1 comment:

  1. K'Loni, the picture of you in the ponchos with your helmets on made me crack up! That is a funny picture. And the pictures of the ocean, you are right, they are absolutely beautiful!
    It appears that you are doing wonderful!2 Keep up the good work, tou will be blessed for it. I love all the pictures!
