Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy Labor Day! XOXO


I hope everyone is doing something fun today for the holiday! We are going to play indoor soccer here in a bit. I will probably sweat to death just like last time, so this might be the last you hear from me... ;) haha just kidding! But really, there is no AC in there... We had a pretty good week again! We had 4 investigators at church, which is like a miracle for this area! I am so happy the work is picking up and I know it is an answer to our prayers of faith and our diligence! Our ward is also doing a lot better at fellowshipping, which is another answer to our prayers! We are following up with a lot of people and really just trying to find those who are prepared to receive the gospel. That is the cool thing about this work. We don't have to teach everyone or find everyone. We find those who are elect and willing to listen and sincere about getting an answer. It takes some sifting sometimes, but it is worth it when you find someone great! Like Tani! :)

Yesterday at church Irving passed the sacrament, and it made me so happy! :) He is a less active that we started teaching and helped come back! Carlos, Mimi, Tani, and Johnathan all came to church! It was a really good meeting too. You never know what it's gonna be like, especially in a YSA! We started teaching Tani this week, and he is awesome. He isn't a Christian, his parents are Islam. But he wants to have a better relationship with God. He is reading the Book of Mormon like a boss, and coming to know that Jesus Christ is his Savior! He also came to a baptism that another ward had on Saturday! George came too, and he now has a baptism date for this month! :) We passed Kim off to the family ward and she seems to be doing fine! We had movie night on Friday night and we had 2 investigators there too! I don't know if I've mentioned M&Ms before, but it's the activity we do on campus. We had 4 non-members come that we invited! It was cool! We ended up teaching the two guys the next night, and they loved it! They had great questions and were all for getting baptized! When we showed them a picture of President Monson one of them said, I want him to baptize me! It was pretty funny! But now we can't get ahold of them... They said they were coming to church yesterday but didn't show... We also invited them to soccer, so I guess we'll see! That happens a lot here ha. It definitely takes some getting used to.

We are kind of sad today because Elder Crandall, our district leader, has been way sick. He got bronchitis like a month ago, then the antibiotics helped and he kinda got better. Then he got sick again and had to go to the hospital! He has been in the hospital for almost a week now! And he is getting discharged today! But he has to go home to get better :( They just got him well enough to fly home, but the doctors have no idea what is wrong with him! He is such a good missionary and leader! He and I butted heads a little at first, but we were able to work it out and become good friends! So we are sad to see him go. :( So keep him in your prayers and also my grandpa Lowry! Know that I love and pray for you!

Love, Sister Lowry 

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