Monday, August 25, 2014

His Ways

Hello and happy Monday y'all! :) 

We had such a great week. I hope everyone else did as well. It went by so fast and I know the weeks are going to continue flying by, so I am just making the best of it! Yesterday we pranked the sisters we live with by plastic wrapping their beds and night stand together, so that was pretty fun! But on an even better note, we have learned so much the past little while about how the Lord's ways are higher and better than our ways! (Isaiah 55:9) I have never planned so much in my whole life. It is so important! And I love it! And sometimes our plans seem so great and we are so excited for them. Then they just don't work out. Like at all. And it can be so frustrating! But at the end of the day when we look back, what ended up happening was exactly what was supposed to happen! So, if your plans aren't working out "perfectly" like you want them too. It's okay! Sit back and let it happen, then look back and see how perfect it really was! The church is so true. 

Check out her tan line!  Haha!

In our Book of Mormon reading we are in Alma 26ish and I just love these chapters so much I can't even explain it. I've talked about it before, but I feel how Ammon does when he says "I cannot say the smallest part of which I feel!" It is so true. Reading these chapters towards the end of my mission makes me sad that it is almost over, but happy at everything I have been able to experience and do and more importantly become! I know that is really is all thanks to our Heavenly Father. Every miracle we see and person we teach is because this is His work, not mine. We have been so blessed lately to teach so many people! We were a little disappointed because only two of them came to church, and we spent at least an hour Saturday night finding rides and fellowship for everyone, but once again, it worked out fine! :) 

Kim is doing so great. She understands the Book of Mormon and is feeling the spirit and loves church and wants to be baptized! But, turns out, she is married. She just told us. So, we are passing her off to the family ward elders. She is sad and so are we, but she took it well! We started teaching George. A guy who we met on the street and invited to church and he came! He said he has never felt good when he has gone to churches but at this one he did! So he has been to church twice now and we are teaching him again this week :) We also ran into Tavares. We taught him at the very end of spring term, then he went home for the summer. We were sad because he is so cool! Then we just ran into him on campus! So we taught him again too! There was so much crazy stuff going on this week with it being opening week and all. Like Wednesday we have Market day with all the vendors and clubs. So we set up our booth. Well there was also something going on inside with all the clubs and stuff so we luckily were able to get into that last minute! So we switched off inside and outside with the elders. It was chaos. And so hot. It was record breaking heat/humidity we heard. But we got a lot of free stuff and met some cool people :) We also had the car wash at the church again this week and it went pretty good! We had more people come than last time! We are hoping it will keep building though! 

Last thing, I got my first set of "trunky papers" this week. YIKES! President has everyone write him a letter with a vision, then goals and plans to accomplish that. For 1 year then for 5 years. And there are different areas like education, employment, dating and marriage (yuck:P), spiritual well-being, etc. Sister Woolley is helping me, but this is rough haha! Well, that is all I have for now I guess! Here are some pictures of the pranking! 

Love, Sister Lowry 

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