Monday, August 4, 2014

R & R

With Chelsea and Jackie at the setting apart

Hey! :)

I don't have much time, but I wanted to share about the amazing Sunday we had yesterday. We had fast and testimony meeting, which is always really good in our ward. There is never an open space of time, so we hardly get to share. But, Lina (a member) needed some moral support, so I went with her and shared my testimony. Which was good because I might be getting transferred next week. I really don't want to leave yet, but I am praying to be accepting of the Lord's will of course! Anyway, remember the guy from the shuttle that we found and he ended up being a member? Well we taught him this week and got his records transferred in. He doesn't know anything about the church, so it's basically like teaching an investigator! He came to church and he got up and bore his testimony about how grateful he was to God for letting us find him on campus. He said he is happy we introduced him to the Book of Mormon because knows this is going to help him turn his life around and get things back in order. And that he is glad to be back in the family and the true church. Wow! :) So neat! Then James bore his testimony about how the church has been such a support and rock for him through the hard times he's had. I am so proud of him. Since he got baptized in June basically everything that could possibly go wrong for him has. But he is so tough! Then Irving, a now active member who we taught and came back to church, bore his testimony about how he is happy to be back in the true church and how grateful he is for the church's missionary work! Then Kahui, a member, talked about how he got to come out and teach with us this week and how it made his whole week! So I was crying by the end but I was so happy! I know it was the Lord who worked through these people, but I feel so blessed to have helped with each of them! 

This is why the subject line is R&R: Retention and Reactivation. These things are so important! If you aren't active in the church, COME BACK! We need every single one of you! If you are new to the church, STAY! You made the right decision! If you have friends who aren't going who you know should be, HELP THEM come back! Strengthen new members. It may hard being a part of this church, but it is simple. It is Jesus Christ's church and we are all part of the flock and He invites all of us to COME! If you think you can't share the gospel with new people, then do this. It's what I've been able to do in this area for the past four months and I am so happy about that! 

We had a great week though. We taught a new guy on Skype, we started teaching a guy who was investigating awhile ago and is now ready to progress, we taught Brandon, we taught Gospel Principles yesterday, we talked to everyone we saw. We also got to be there when Chelsea got set apart as a full time missionary. She has grown so much since I got here and is so ready to go on her mission. I am so proud of how far she has come! And honored that she would have us there for that special moment! :) It is now summer break, again. So no one on campus or in the apartments! I don't think anyone should have to go through two summer breaks in College Park but here I am! We have some good plans though so we just need to stay hydrated ha! I seriously love you all so much and can't wait to see you again soon! Have a great week! :)

All my love, Sister Lowry 

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