Monday, August 11, 2014



We had a great week! It is summer break as I mentioned before, but we have actually stayed busy! :) That is what we fasted for this month, was to have people to teach during the break! Fasting so so real! I had a testimony of it before of course, but it is now even stronger! We have a lot of teaching appointments set up for this week too, so we are excited! I also read this morning in Mosiah 28 where Alma fasts and prays so hard for his son to come around, and eventually he does! Hindsight is definitely 20/20 because I can see how a lot of mine and my families prayers and fasts have brought forth blessings! Especially recently! 

Temple Tour with Brandon

Now for some things that happened. We took Brandon on a temple grounds tour, and it was so neat! He loved it and was taking pictures the whole time. On the way home he made a slide show with music on his phone and put it on instagram! :) It was beautiful! We taught Anthony, another member who is starting to come back. We are going to start from the beginning with him too! We were able to teach a few skype lessons, which is so exciting! Just proof that the Lord has given us these tools to further his work! It has been nice to keep in contact with our investigators over the break through email, facebook, skype, and text. There is one member from Waterford Lakes that I met last summer. He was a YSA but didn't go. He is such a great kid though! I wanted to invite him out now that I am in YSA, so I found him on facebook. He is teaching English in Taiwan right now, and asked me if I would transfer his records, and if I knew where a church was. I connected him with a member in our ward who also taught in Taiwan! And he went to church over there yesterday! :) We also ate at a delicious Thai restaurant this week. Probably one of my favorite meals on my mission so far. 

Thai restaurant with Chris and Tiara

Saturday we got the transfer call and found out I was leaving :( I was pretty sad, but also kinda knew it was coming. So Sunday I was saying my goodbyes and all! Then we got a call from President Berry saying that he needs me to stay here another transfer!!! Ahhh!! We all were so excited! I think I've mentioned that we hang out with the other set of sisters in our ward like all the time, so they celebrated with us! AND, Sister Rogers, my trainee, is here in the ward with us now!! We always hoped we could serve near each other, and now we are! :) I am excited to stay. I really like it here, and even though it has been slow this summer, things are picking up! 

The car pick with the other sisters! 

I just got an email from Toni saying that her farewell and my homecoming talk will be on the same day....WOW!!! How cool is that?!?! The Lord's plan is so perfect. The church is truer than true! 

Love, Sister Lowry 

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