Monday, July 28, 2014

Invites: A Small and Simple Thing!


I had a pretty good week! We had exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders, and it was so great. I went to Goldenrod with Sister Pugmire. She and I came out together and I have always looked up to her since the MTC. She is a really good missionary and I learned a lot from her. She basically just told me how great of a missionary I was the whole time! It made me feel so good! I needed it because I tend to beat myself up and be really self-critical. So something I took away from it that I am going to work on is giving praise to others! I have never really been good at that because I'm not very like...the type to express my feelings and stuff? I guess. Anyway, I am going to pray to see other's strengths and tell them about them. Sis. Pugmire said that when she did that and really focused on the strengths that other people had, she was able to not focus on her own weaknesses and to see her own strengths more! It was exactly what I needed. It's kind of hard to explain by typing it out so sorry...

Everyone is doing pretty well. Khalil and Carlos both came to church. Along with two less active guys and a girl we just met on campus and invited. We have appointments with all of them this week! Which we need because it is finals this week then summer break again. So we will need extra prayers haha. So cool story: We have shuttles that go from campus to most of the apartment complexes around the area. So if we can't bike we can jump on a shuttle. I don't know if anyone is familiar with air drop but we have it on our ipads with bluetooth. So it's kinda like snapchat a little bit. Anyway, we were on the shuttle and this guy's airdrop popped up so we dropped him a picture that said I am a child of God. He dropped a picture back and we did again. It was so funny we were trying to not to laugh out loud. We talked to him when we got off the shuttle and invited him to church. He said he just moved here and needed to find a church! So we got him a ride and he came! Turns out he is a member! Crazy! It was a pretty cool little miracle :) 


Another cool story and my plug for member missionary work! I sucked at being a member missionary before my mission. But I got a wedding announcement this week that made me so happy! Travis Hammer coaches wrestling with my dad and I met him right before I came on my mission. I was giving the prayer at stake conference so we invited him to come with us. He did and we went to dinner after and he really enjoyed it! He ended up learning from the missionaries and being baptized. He is now getting sealed in the Salt Lake temple! It is so amazing how one tiny invitation can go so far. All we have to do is the simple invite, and the Lord takes care of the rest! (Alma 37:6) So congrats to Travis! :) I also got Kendra and Zack's announcement this week! Super cute! They are two of my best friends and I am so happy for them! 

We also had interviews with President Berry this week! It was good. He told me to be happy and to finish strong. You know it's soon when even your mission president mentions going home. That was my last interview! I love President Berry so much. He is truly inspired and cares so much about each of us. What a blessing! I love serving the Lord right now. Sometimes it's weird to see that other people's lives are still going and mine is kind of on pause, but I know this is the best thing I could be doing and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. 

Love, Sister Lowry 

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