Monday, July 21, 2014


Temple trip with a few ward members and 
the other sisters who share the ward with us 

Hey all! :)

So we went to the library on campus this week because I could not stand to use those computers at our complex again! It was a much better week. I still don't have much to update you on, but I am feeling better and things are looking up! :) What I am working on is to celebrate the little miracles and victories that we see each day. Even if they are very small. Like yesterday we had 3 lessons fall through, but we were able to contact a really cool girl on campus! I started doing a little prayer journal just to keep track of who and what we are praying for and being thankful for. Once something happens I go back and put a smiley by that certain thing on the list. It has been super cool to see how often the Lord answers our prayers! Prayer is so powerful and I have really gained a better testimony of it the past little while. 

Temple tour with Khalil and the two members

Well, great news! I got a call from our travel secretary in the mission saying that she was making my flight plans and needed to know what airport I wanted to fly into! AHHHH!!! It was crazy. It has to be done 90 days in advance so that was a mind blower to me! I only have 90 days left to reach all the people who need me and to fulfill my mission here in Orlando! It has been super hard since she called me because I just keep thinking about home. But I have a goal this week to focus!! Oh, by the way, I am going home on October 18th :) So I get to see Toni before she leaves! Yay!!! Another prayer answered. Probably for more people that just me ha! 

Car wash!

We are working with the same people. Khalil has a baptismal date now, but didn't come to church so we will probably have to move it. It has been really hard finding rides for everyone here. We need like a calling for Ride Coordinator or something! But a cool miracle was that Khalil really wanted to go on a temple tour on Friday night, but it was so last minute we thought there was no way we could swing it. We texted a bunch of people and found a guy who could take us! But, we couldn't ride in the car unless a girl came to, so we had to text even more people and try to find a girl to come! We did! The Lord definitely had a hand in that one! It was pretty cool :) We are still teaching Cody and he is doing really well :) He said he is planning on being baptized when he gets back from summer break! Yay! :) We have been working with him since January! We are still kind of teaching Madison, the 4th of July miracle girl, but we didn't get to see her yesterday, so we don't know exactly where she is at yet. We are teaching her tonight. Then we found a new guy named Carlos who is pretty cool! :) He came to church yesterday (which is huge) and also to a community service event we had on Saturday! It was a free car wash and hot dogs and it was super fun! Not many people came, but we are hoping as we keep doing it regularly that more people will come! Other than that we are still just talking with everyone and trying to find people to share our message with! It's hard because lately we have taught so many people then when we try to set up another time to meet they either never reply or say that they read the book and it "isn't for them." Uhhhh... The Book of Mormon is for everyone. Nice try though! So it's just kinda frustrating I guess! But we are doing our best and that is all the Lord asks!

I hope you all are having a fun and safe summer! 
Love, Sister Lowry 

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