Monday, September 22, 2014

The Call


So, we got the transfer call last night and I am getting transferred :( It was a shocker to us and we still have a little whiplash! We were almost sure that we would just get put in a trio for my last few weeks until I leave. But I guess the Lord needs me somewhere else! Usually transfer calls are on Saturday, but they weren't this time for some reason. So I didn't even say any goodbyes at church or anything! Good thing we have FHE tonight and a lot of the members go to that. It is going to be so weird going back to a family ward. I have mixed feelings! I love this ward and have had so much fun and I'm way sad I will miss Tani and Johnathan's baptism! But I have been here for six months and there are certain things I am just kind of done with ha. Just how it was at the end of six months in Hunter's Creek ward! But I feel good about the work that I was able to help the Lord do here, and I am especially grateful for the relationships I have made. But even more for how I was able to help a few people build their relationship with their Savior! Yes, I did a lot of seed planting. But I had a goal to make it through the summer and get it rolling, which is what we have done! Our Zone Leaders assured us of that this morning :) Sister Woolley is worried about leading the area, but she is an awesome missionary and I know she will do a great job! 


We had an okay week! A lot of flaky people, which I have learned to deal better with, but am so over it now. We got pedicures last Monday at this super nice place. It was neat :) Tani is still doing awesome and Johnathan too. We took him on a temple tour and he also went to the YSA dance and had a great time. Jorge dropped us because he believes in the trinity and can't give that up yet. We were super bummed. But, Kim got baptized and it was so wonderful. She is such a sweet sweet girl and I am so so so happy I got to be involved with her conversion process! The elders were also so nice to kind of share the baptism with us. I don't know if this is a universal problem, but it seems like the chapels here never have normal size baptism jumpsuits. So they were giving her either a children’s large, an XL, or a pair of white pants with a button up shirt. I was not having that. So we were in the bathroom with her trying to figure out what looked/felt best! She ended up in the XL, but it worked fine :) 

That was on Saturday. We also got to experience the UCF tailgating. Yikes. It was insane. So many people and so much alcohol! It was like Sodom and Gomorrah! And we had a "lesson" with these guys that some elders called us about because they had taught them a few times but the guy goes to UCF so he is in our stewardship technically. Well, he had brought two older guys and they all had their bibles out. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, it was raining when we biked to the church so we were soaked when we got to the library to meet them. Lots of people try to bash with us here and we were not even gonna go there so I told them first thing that I don't know what they and the elders had worked out, but our purpose is to help people come closer to Christ and prepare for baptism. So if they wanted to argue or try to preach to us that we would pack up and go. They assured us that they weren't there for that. Then one of them talked about how he's the most humble guy you'll meet and he used to be Mormon when he was 19 but then he found the truth and left and when he did he took 20 other people from the church with him! Ugh. So we listened to them talk for like ever and these kind of people don't let you get a word in. So finally we just bore our testimonies and left. Yikes. Experiences like that kind of suck, but each time it just strengthens my testimony even more that this really is Christ's church! 

Other than that it was just a normal week! Thanks for all of your love and support! I love you! 

Sister Lowry 

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