Monday, September 15, 2014

Lose It, Find It

Good morning! 

Last night there was a CES devotional by Elder Christofferson, and it was really great! He talked about the scripture where Christ says that "whosoever shall save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it." This scripture has taken on such different meaning to me as a missionary! I never knew how selfish I was until I really thought about this, and Elder Christofferson also put more meaning to it. He suggested a few different ways we can lose our lives for Christ. One was to just keep the commandments and be obedient. The other was to submit to His will rather than our own, which is something I have been working on. But my favorite was to keep promises we make. Not only the covenants we make with our Heavenly Father, but any promise. Promises have always been a big deal to me, and it's partly because I hate when people don't keep their word or are flaky. I've learned to be more patient with that, but it gave me comfort to hear an apostle talk about how important it is to keep the promises you make! So, if you say you are going to do something, then DO IT! 

We had an up and down week! Some hard things happened, but we just stayed as positive as we could and smiled through it! We set a new record with 6 investigators who dropped us! Yes, 6! A few of them were brand new people, so we are used to that. But two of them had baptismal dates, so that was really hard. :( It just makes us so sad to see any of our brothers and sisters miss out on the blessings of the restored gospel! But, we know that it is all in God's plan, and there must be people who are prepared to be baptized that we need to find now! Tani is doing great. He made it through 2 Nephi and brought a friend to church and the devotional! Did I mention his baptism date is October 12? His birthday, and my mom's birthday! :) I hope I am still here! Transfers are next week, and we are thinking we will just get a third person since I go home mid-transfer, but you never know what could happen! Oh, remember Kim? The Korean girl who ended up being married so we had to pass her off to the family ward? She is getting baptized on Saturday! :) And a family who I taught when I was in Hunter's Creek also got baptized! So that was exciting for us. Like I always say, the good makes up for the bad. We are excited for a new week though. I love being in a YSA ward, but it can be very difficult sometimes! 

I had a terrible nightmare the other night. It was like a fast forward to the day I got home thing. And I was just not happy about the work I did here! I was wishing that I had been more happy and had more fun my last few weeks. Yikes! Sometimes I get too caught up in doing my best, that I forget to have fun, but I know it's possible to do both! So I am working on that because I do not want that dream to be a reality! I'm glad I have all my return missionary friends (Jordan and Daniel, you guys rock) to give me great advice and keep me going strong! :) I love you all and can't wait to see you in about a month! Share the gospel! :) 

Love, Sister Lowry 

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