Monday, September 8, 2014

Being Kind and Gentle

Sister Rogers and me!

Hey all! 

I just wanna give a shout out to everyone reading my blog! Especially David! ;) David is someone we are teaching and helping him find out the church is true! He is super awesome and has great questions. He told me at church yesterday that he liked my blog! I usually don't tell people in Florida about it, just in case I say something offensive or something, but he found it on google and said he liked it! :) He is trying to get an answer that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, so everyone pray for him! And George, Tani, Johnathan, and Jorge! They are all doing great and we are so blessed to be helping them strengthen their faith in Christ! We didn't hear from Mimi this week. She kinda dropped off the face of the Earth it seems like.. :( And Carlos isn't really progressing either.. But we had a good week other than that! We had ZTM and we learned a lot about asking inspired questions to get people talking and get their concerns so we can testify of a gospel principle. It works really well for member missionary work too! We also had an appointment at the mission office and had to practice for Sister Woolley's musical number for ZTM, so it was kind of a different week. She did great by the way :) We also went on a temple tour with Carlos and Tani, and it was really cool. Tani is doing great. Someone asked him what he was (religion wise) and he answered, "Mormon! Well, trying to be!" And yesterday in Elders Quorum they asked who was a convert and he raised his hand! He is already in 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon. 

Something I learned in my studies this morning is that we need to have the inward vessel cleansed before we can cleanse the outer vessel. (Alma 60). This can be used in many different ways, but I thought of it as we have to make sure our testimonies are strong and we are worthy for us to be able to help others gain that. However, helping others with their testimony and struggles can help strengthen ours as well! So it's kind of like a cycle I guess! I also find myself getting caught up in the whole perfectionism thing, thinking that I have to be perfect before I can help others. It really sucks because it gives me a lot of anxiety sometimes. I know I can't be perfect in this life, and I try to do my best, but I usually don't feel like my best is enough. I know the Lord is the only one who can tell me it is, but it's just this mental/emotional battle I've had today haha. Anyway, I talked to President Berry on Tuesday when we were at the office and he knows that I am like that. He reminded me of how the Savior acted: kind, gentle, and never judgmental. So he counseled me to act that way...towards myself! So I am trying! Pray for me! 

Indoor soccer!

Everyone else is doing pretty well. The members are awesome and we are very grateful for them. Indoor soccer was super fun last week. Today we are going to get pedicures. We got a new elder, but the Zone Leaders are just being our district leaders for now. The transfer ends in a couple weeks and we should get another district leader. Elder Crandall is home but still going to doctors and trying to get his strength back. :( Sister Christensen is also just doing her physical therapy for her knee and praying about a decision! I am just plugging along and working hard for the next 6 weeks! It's gonna fly, I know! Have a great one! 

Love, Sister Lowry 

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