Monday, January 27, 2014

Mormon Holiday?

 Me with my daughters at mission conference!
(Mission language is trainer=mom, trainee=daughter, etc)

Buenos dias!

This week we had mission conference and stake conference with Elder Russell M. Nelson, and it was so great! He is so cute. One of my favorite things that he told us missionaries was that "We call people on the other side of the veil dead, but I don't think they like that very much! They are still living, just in another sphere. They are monitoring us and praying for us!" That gave me great comfort! It's hard not hearing from my mom, but I know that she is still my biggest fan and she is cheering me on out here just like all of you are! And she is cheering you on too! I know you are all super busy and probably stressed too, just like me, but remember that you are never alone and " the gospel of Jesus Christ we have help from both sides on the veil." (Elder Holland)

We had a pretty good week! Still super busy. We went on exchanges with the sister training leaders, and I just love them so much! Sister Conant is like my role model missionary, and I learn so much from her every time we go together! And she always makes me feel so good and boosts my self-confidence ha! All of our investigators are doing pretty well! The Thomas family is getting baptized on the 8th, so we are very excited for that! Lill is also supposed to get baptized on the 8th, but she is having some struggles! The adversary is working very hard on her, and he knows how exactly! She is bipolar and schizophrenic so this weekend we just had kind of a mess with all of that. So just keep her in your prayers please! Alex too. He is doing good with not drinking coffee, but is having a hard time giving up smoking. Who knows why, psh, that's like the easiest one! ;) hahahaha. And we are still working with the Amone family. But no one came to church this week. Probably partly because it was stake conference. You think people in Utah call it a Mormon holiday, here is wayy worse! But the people who don't go just miss out on all those spiritual blessings and nourishment! :)

Matching skirts with the Medina girls

We got to celebrate my halfway mark on the 24th a little bit! We got home and were planning at like 9ish and we were kinda bummed we didn't really get time to go get ice cream or anything, when someone knocked on our door. Well, missionaries never get visitors, so you can imagine we were a little frightened! I looked through the peep hole and saw two men in matching sweaters, so I assumed it was the elders! Well, it wasn't. Turns out it was Sister Jacklin's uncle and his co-worker who were here on business and wanted to bring us frozen yogurt!! So that was very exciting! And totally illegal, but it's okay ha!

It has been cold the past couple weeks. And we've been on bikes for most of it. But we finally got the car back. I was not prepared for how cold it gets here! But I won't wear tights because I already have too many waistbands and it's so uncomfortable. I also weighed myself this week. BAD IDEA! We heard it should warm up soon though. Everything is going good. We are getting facials today from a member, so that is exciting. Facebook usage is coming along. I still don't know what I am doing, but practice makes perfect I guess! We are getting our iPads this week. Yikes! Haha it just amazes me how smart Heavenly Father is and everyone working for the church! His work is truly hastening and it is such a blessing that we all get to be a part of it! Have a great week! :)

Love, Sister Lowry

1 comment:

  1. K'Loni is growing in the gospel so quickly, You can tell by what she is writing! So happy that she got to eat some frozen yogart.
    Yeah, Loni, don't weigh yourself, you are right, it is a bad idea sometimes.
    And she gets to Facebook, well that is awesome, I think she will be good at it, because she can put words together very quickly and she has a sharp mind.
