Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone! I hope you all have started your new year off with a bang! :) A few items of business...
Yes, I am on Facebook now. But, I am going to deactivate my old account. So, if you want to be friends with me, you can add me, but you aren't allowed to really comment or post anything to me because it is strictly missionary business! Ok? Thanks! :) Unless you have like people who aren't members, then I can teach them from over here! But, if I add you, you have to accept me haha :)
Next, I hope you all have made some new year’s resolutions! :) As I was pondering about them and the past year, I wanted to share with you a 2013 year in review and also my resolutions for 2014! :)

Jan. - Wore a boot for a month due to a sprained ankle. #sledding and got my mission call! :)
Feb.-Went to the temple and received my endowments with my dad!
Mar.-Thought I was going to die from school. Mostly Calculus 2.
Apr.-Got sealed to my family for eternity and entered the MTC!
May-Arrived in Florida! Nick Justus got baptized! :)
June- Grace Storie got baptized and I watched my companion get hit by a car on her bike!
July-I had 3 companions that month, and met one of my now dearest friends Sister Rogers!
Aug.-Took on the challenge of training, opening a new area, and Florida's heat/humidity!
Sept.-Christina and Alex got married and Christina got baptized!
Oct.-Took on another challenge of white washing, again!
Nov.-Learned more patience...And my first Thanksgiving away from home!
Dec.-Started training Sister Jacklin and celebrated a wonderful Christmas and birthday away from home! :)

Memorize the Articles of Faith. Finish the book Jesus the Christ. Serve with all my heart, might, mind, and strength-be 100% committed. Have Christ-like love for everyone and continue to develop His attributes. Eat less sweets-get fit! Return with honor. And brush up on math! :)

I don't have much to tell you! Our new year’s was fine. We didn't get hit by a car or anything, so that was a miracle in itself! People here drive CRAZY! I probably have gained ten pounds since I've been in this area. Yikes. Yvette bore her testimony in sacrament meeting yesterday which was just amazing of course. We started teaching a Brazilian family who we just love. The Amone family and the Thomas family are doing great. We met a guy named Alex who seems super prepared and is ready to start off the new year right by using the gospel! He is a single dad and loves his daughter so much. We are so busy and seeing miracles every day. That is the best part about missionary work. Being able to see the Lord's hand in others’ lives as well as your own multiple times a day! I have been kinda stressed about the whole Facebook deal, but I will survive. It will be a blessing once we just get it figured out. It's super weird because I haven't done any of that for 8 months. I am still working on getting everyone written back letters wise, so be patient with me! I love you all and you are always in my prayers! :)

Love, Sister Lowry

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