Wednesday, July 31, 2013

You Can Lead a Horse To Water...

Oh golly. I don't even know where to start!! I guess I will do my weekly quote first :) 

"After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is the preach the Gospel. Let the saints remember that great things depend on their individual exertion, and that they are called to be co-workers with us and the Holy Spirit in accomplishing the great work of the last days." -President Joseph Smith :)

Coolest example of this. Ami Williams, one of my soccer coaches and best friends, actually took the "find, friendship, finalize" thing and did something about it! One of her co-workers moved to Utah, and after more than 9 months of living there, hadn't been invited to church or anything. So Ami and her boss talked to her about the church. Just because you live in Utah, do not assume that everyone has already been invited or that everyone is already Mormon! :) 

Okay so about my week. I am going to be a trainer!! :) President called and asked both Sister Bolton and I to train. I was super excited about it! But, the only problem is that it means one of us had to leave to open a new area. And it is usually the one who has been here longest. AKA, me. So, I found out this morning I am being transferred to Waterford Lakes, closer to Orlando. I heard it's a nice area. But you know how I feel about rich people. haha;) I'm just kidding. I am so so so sad to be leaving Cocoa, but I know that the Lord needs me there! It is definitely going to be a challenge training and opening an area, but I am totes up to it! :) My new missionary gets here today and I will go pick her up tomorrow morning! So, I will probably send pictures home later this week or next week :) 

Let's see.. We did a lot of finding this week. Which basically means we talked to every single person we saw while biking! And knocked on doors! Not many people wanted to hear our message, but we did find a new girl to teach! :) We are going over there tonight, so I am super excited. She's 19 and her name is Melissa! 

Michael was doing awesome! We took him to a temple grounds tour, and he loved it! He said he felt comfortable there! And we had a great talk on the way there. He said he was still good to be baptized on August 3! But, he changed his mind the next day :( But, it's for a good reason. He just wants to get a strong spiritual confirmation from the Lord, and make double triple sure this is the right thing for him, and what the Lord wants for him! Which is exactly what we want investigators to do! Find out for themselves and build their relationship with God by doing it! :) 

Steve :( he just was not progressing anymore. He has this saying "Today's just not a good day girls." Well, Steve, is it ever going to be a good day?!?!?! So, we basically told him that when he's ready to make this decision for himself, he has our number. Not in that rude of a way of course! Well, Sister Bolton was at least a little nicer.. :\ I kinda treat Steve like I would my brother or something haha. He can handle it! :) So I took that really hard. But, as our ward mission leader said, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink!" OH! And Steve's roommate Eric, from the very first, basically told us this week that he knows he's gonna be a Mormon someday, it's just gonna take him a long time! That was soo cool to hear coming from him! :) 

So during the hard times, the scriptures have helped me so much. This morning I think Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed to read. It was Alma 29, and it's a pretty short chapter, so y'all should go read it! :) My favorite thing he said was, "Why should I desire more than to perform the work to which I have been called?" It was perfect. We are called to teach the gospel to the elect, as it says in the Doctrine and Covenants. People have their agency, which is the hardest part of a mission haha. But, I also read the other day, that someday I will be able to see the fruits of my labors! How cool will that be?! :) This week I am going to be a lot better about not getting discouraged. Because when you get discouraged, your effectiveness decreases, and when your effectiveness decreases, so does your success! :) 

Well, thank you all for your constant love and support! I can't believe two transfers have already passed! If anyone is wondering how my broken companion is doing, Sister Salvesen is doing well! She is going to physical therapy and doing internet proselyting in the mission office! And just trying to get that foot healed up! :) 


Sister Lowry :) 

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