Monday, July 22, 2013

Like a Long Run...

Hello and happy Monday!! :)

I want to start out each email with a quote from a prophet about missionary work. I want you all to realize how important missionary work is for EVERYONE! It is part of our baptismal covenant. And we are trying to help members realize that. So, the first quote is by President George Albert Smith :) I was actually in shock as I read it this morning!

"We will attain our exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom only on the condition that we share with our Father's other children the blessings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and observe the commandments that will enrich our lives here and hereafter." 

Um. Yeah. Our Celestial glory depends on if we share the gospel!!!! Crazy. But amazing :) Everyone should be able to experience the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for missionary opportunities and ways to serve. K? Thanks :) 

This week was like a long run. Speaking of! Sister Bolton actually runs outside with me! Finally! :) She is not used to running semi-a lot like I am, but we are working up to it! This morning we ran 2.82 miles! :) Anyways, it sucks while you're doing it, but you still feel fine after, ya know? Basically all of our appointments with investigators fell through, including 2 temple tours. Steve drank. Rachel dropped us. It was hot and humid and I had to get back into working full days with biking ten miles per day. But, as we accounted for our week last night, I felt great! :) The Lord calculates everything to bless us. He still gives us miracles when we have adversity, but we have to pay close attention to notice them sometimes! :) 

We started teaching a family!!! :) They are called the Johnson's. Lee is a freakin hard worker, like you dad. Carla is so cute and nice. They have two boys. And they want to come to church and go on a temple tour with us soon! :) They are just pretty hard to catch at home. Missionaries become the best stalkers though!

Michael has a baptismal date! :) August 3rd! :) He went from one week saying he had already been "saved," to saying, "Yeah I have actually been thinking about getting baptized." He is going to fast and pray about it. But he loves us. He always sends us the nicest texts. This week he asked, "Are you sure you guys aren't angels? Because you came at exactly the right time, and I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there for me in this hard time." Things like that make all the hard times worth it! :) 

Steve. Oh, Steve. Is he all of your favorite? Because he is totally mine! Even though I could knock him right upside the head sometimes! He was doing so well at the first of the week, because he had a job he was working on. Well, when they finished the job, he wanted to celebrate. Of course. So we saw him Friday. He said, "Girls, this is my last day drinking. I'm really done after today." Don't worry, we recorded that! We didn't think he'd remember it. So, Bea, the stellar ward missionary that is friends with Steve, wanted to go over there later that day too. So we did. We just said hi and said we had to go because there were a few of them there drinking. We went to see a few less-actives, then went home. Have I mentioned how overwhelming it is to have so many less-actives? Well, it is. Anyway, Eric, Steve's roommate texted us and said Steve wrecked his scooter pretty bad. Oh my gosh I was so worried!! What kind of friends let their friend drive like that?! So since Bea is a nurse she called around and found out about Steve. He was in a trauma center about 30 minutes away. Saturday she took us and the Elders to see him and get him a blessing. He wasn't in as bad of shape as we thought. And trust me, it took so much effort not to scold him! He just had a concussion, stitches, staples, and a hurt shoulder. He was supposed to be discharged yesterday, but he still hasn't been. So, he has now gone two days without any of his addictions!!! :) YAY!!! We are considering this the miracle we have been praying for for him!! :) So hopefully we will see him tonight. 

We have been biking and doing a lot of street contacting, trying to find people to teach. Sometimes it is scary talking to people at first. But I will get used to it again. Although it is supposed to be the members’ job to "find, fellowship, and finalize." But hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do I guess! Sister Bolton and I get along just fine! We are totally different people. She is totally musical, artsy, creative, quiet. But we are already teaching pretty well together :) We have interviews with president this week. And transfers are next week. I don't think either of us will be transferred because of the emergency transfer we just had, but you never know! 

I hope you all are doing amazing! I think about you and pray for you every night! (Yes, individually. My prayers are so freakin long now!) I am glad you are finally getting rain! I fasted for that on fast Sunday! :) I love you all so much! Have a great week! :)

Sister Lowry

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