Monday, July 8, 2013

Saving Baby Turtles and Two Red Tank Tops

July 8, 2013
Hey family :)

Yes, I consider all of you my family, because you are so great! :) I hate not having too much time to email. I want to read and re-read your emails over again! And reply to each of you individually! But just know that I pray for you every night and I love you all so much! 

It was a pretty good week. Amazingly, we reached our weekly goals, even with only 4 hours of working per day! But we are still having a hard time getting members to lessons with us, which is very important :( I have been learning something perfect for me over the past week. I've been reading in Mosiah (Abinadi has always been my favorite:), and the Lamanites and Nephites are fighting, of course. Anyway, it talks about how the Nephites fought their battles in the strength of the Lord, and the Lamanites depended on their own strength. And guess who won? It was perfect for me, and anyone who is just going through trials! I have been depending on my own strength to get me through my "battles," rather than using the strength of the Lord and of the Atonement. I read in Preach My Gospel just the next day after that that we need to have confidence/faith in God first, then in ourselves. In other words, rely on the Spirit more than our own talent/ability. So those kind of went together :) I have the spiritual thought at district meeting tomorrow, so I am excited to share that :) 

Let's see.. Last Monday the Sherwoods came and kept us company at our apartment, and Elder Sherwood had rescued a baby turtle off the road and brought it to cheer us up! :) It sure did! :) I named it Taffy. And we let it go in our backyard pond. You will see pictures; I am sending them today on my flashdrive! 

We had exchanges this week. So one of the Sister Training Leaders came here, and I got to work for a full day!!! :) Yes, it was very exciting!! :) Our dinner appointment fell through so I made zuchinni and summer squash and egg burritos. Dad, that made me miss you a lot because you always made that :( Squash is like the one fruit/veggie that is better in Utah than in Florida by the way! :)

The 4th of July was awesome! We had Zone Training Meeting (ZTM), and it was so good. I felt the spirit so much as we learned about having a positive attitude, being obedient, and working with members and the ward council. Sometimes our ward council meetings drive me insane, but I just keep praying for them and for the ward! After ZTM we got to meet our new mission president!! :) He and Sister Berry came to our apartment to check up on us and the situation! And not many people have got to meet them yet! They are super personable and approachable. Very nice, and missing their families :( but we are excited to have them! :) We are still playing Sister Salvesen's injury by ear. We have a follow up appointment on Thursday to see what the deal is. She says she feels like it's not getting any better, and she's worried they will send her home :( I told her just to not worry about it and we will cross that bridge when we get to it. (Comstock always says that, and I have picked it up:) I hope she doesn't get sent home. That would be terrible. We are like rocking it here in Titusville/Cocoa! Anyway, after we met them, we got to go to the Sherwoods and have Navajo tacos with all of the senior couples in the mission! Also a huge privilege! We got to do the lesson as well, which was very nerve-wracking because President and Sister Berry were there!! Yeah! Ask me!! But everyone said we did an amazing job. Even President was like, "if I didn't know better, i would have thought you two had been out a year or more!" Heck yeah :) 

Grace got confirmed yesterday! Super neat. And Steve. Oh Steve. Sometimes I could just kick him right in the butt!! At the first of the week he was doing so great! Said that he felt different and thought different. He was praying and reading everyday! He gave us each a tank top from hawaii in exchange for us helping him get eternal life! Then of course the holiday had to come. Then he went MIA. Then we finally got to see him yesterday. And I pretty much ripped his head off. Haha not really, but you know me! I have no tolerance for word of wisdom breaking!! ;) Anyway, I appreciate you all praying for him, please keep it up! He needs it! He wants to get baptized this month, so we are working hard! :) 

I might have talked about Michael, the guy who we helped move into our apartments and he brought his family to the BBQ? Well he came to church yesterday! And he loved it! He is so so appreciative of our friendliness, and is going to let us teach him! :) Pretty sure he will be baptized pretty quick. He really needs the help of the gospel right now. His divorce is really hard on him. But he really felt the spirit in sacrament meeting yesterday. The testimonies shared were so good! You always worry as a missionary because you don't want anything crazy to be said with investigators there! So I just pray hard and count on the spirit to take care of the rest! :) 

You might be wondering about me? Well, I am fine! Pretty bi-polar (like Toni) haha ;) Some days I'm great, others I'm not. But, like I've said a million times, I am learning to depend on the Lord, and trust in His will and His timing. I am also counting my blessings, because we have been truly blessed, and it helps to remember that! I hope everyone has a great week! And I hope you are dealing with the heat well! I will pray for some of our rain here to go over there! It's only been about mid-90's here and humid as ever. I decided i'm going to buy a blender so I can have smoothies. :) 

 Love, Sister Lowry :) 

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