Monday, July 15, 2013

Back to Work!

I love these sisters!  Me, Sister Salvesen, Sister Tompson, Sister Hiatt

Hey all!

I hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying their last bit of summer! Can't believe school is probably starting in like a month. That went by super fast, as I'm sure you all would say the same! :) First of all CONGRATS TO MY AMAZING DAD FOR PASSING THAT DANG PRAXIS TEST!!!!!!! :) I am so so proud of you Dad. I knew you could do it. Second, my mission president made a website for our mission called So you all should check it out! :) 
Our patriotic zone at Zone Training Meeting! (ZTM)

We had a pretty good week. I was struggling toward the first with just still not being able to work and stuff. Monday after emailing we wrote letters outside so I could work on my tan, and a letter of mine from Travis Hammer blew into the pond. So Sister Salvesen let me fish it out with her crutches. They were actually good for something ;) I also finally broke down and bought a blender because I have been craving smoothies! And I made some awesome banana bread :) We also were able to start teaching Michael, the one from our apartments! We had a good lesson with him about the restoration of the church :) 
Item of interest to everyone...crutches. 
Tuesday would have been my parents 20th anniversary! Crazy. Sister Bates in our ward texted my dad for me. She is from Cedar City and they are driving there or might be there already, so they are gonna meet my family! :) Her sister is actually in their ward! How funny. Small world us Mormons live in! We also taught Steve on that day and read a talk about light and darkness by Pres. Uchtdorf, which was awesome!! It was inspired that I found that talk for those guys :) Y'all should read it if you get a chance. It's from Sunday Morning session of this conference I think! 
One of the first companionships to meet the new mission president!  They are so great!
Wednesday we had a meeting in Rockledge to "meet" President and Sister Berry. That was fun :) My zone is great, so it's always exciting to see them. And President and Sister Berry are truly inspired and servants of the Lord. I already love them so much and know they love us! :) 
Fourth of July dinner with all the senior couples and President & Sister Berry!  (New mission pres.)  The Sherwoods are the front right.  President & Sister Berry are toward the back in the white shirts!
One of the amazing senior couples trying to work the microwave! 
Thursday was the day we had been waiting for for awhile! The follow-up appointment! Basically the doctor said she was where she thought she would be, and that it will probably be about a two month full recovery from that day. Yikes! So we had to make a billion phone calls informing everyone and their dog of what the doctor said. President said he would see what to do and call us back. But we figured he was going to have her go home for physical therapy and all that. I felt better when I got a package from my dad saying he passed the test, and with the oreos of course! :) We also started teaching a family of four that night. They are so sweet! :) They were supposed to come to church on Sunday and didn't, which is always the worst :( but we are going over again tomorrow so we are excited :) 
Friday came, and we were still waiting on President to call us with the decision. Yeah. Ask me. We were both just dying from the suspense! As was our ward mission leader, district leader, and basically everyone else we know! He finally called us that afternoon and said they were going to transfer her to Orlando to work in the mission office and she will live with some sisters (my MTC companion) that live near the office! If any of you watched the leadership broadcast last month, they talked about missionaries starting internet proselyting, well that is what Sis. Salvesen will be doing! So that will be cool that we can get started on that here in our mission :) Anyway, we spent the rest of the day going to Sis. Salvesen's favorites so she could say goodbye to them! And packing of course. She was sad, but also happy that she didn't have to get sent home. I couldn't imagine leaving this area right now. I love it and love the people so so much, so that must have been really difficult for her. 

Elder Lindstrom, Eder Reneer, Lori (awesome recent convert), Sister Portz, Katie Portz, Steve, Me, Grace, Sister Salvesen, Sebastiano, Lori's daughter Olivia, Rachel (Steve's daughter).
Saturday we left to Orlando. We went to the sister's apartment, and Sister Salvesen just switched with Sister Bolton! So, I am now companions with Sister Bolton, and Sister Salvesen will be spending her time in the office or with the two sisters over there. Yes, she is in another trio. Ugh :P haha ;) But she is with my MTC companion Sister Bowman so I am super jealous! But Sister Bolton is a nice girl, and seems like a pretty good missionary so far :) We didn't have time to do much when we got back to Titusville. So we went to meet Steve, and went to a bridal shower for a girl in the ward :) That was fun, and gave Sis. Bolton a chance to meet people. She was super sad to leave her last area; she had been there for almost 6 months! But Cocoa is growing on her :) It is the best, after all :) 

Me and Sister Hiatt from the MTC :)
Temple tour with Steve
Sunday was good! It usually is! Steve made us breakfast before church again! And he came to church, as did Michael! :) This week we will be teaching all of our investigators of course, as well as doing some finding. We haven't been able to do any because we couldn't bike or walk around, but somehow we still found new investigators! The Lord definitely compensates when He gives us trials! :) We just have to continually trust in Him, and His timing! 
Sister Bolton! She has been out almost 6 months. From Colorado. She's into the whole art/music deal. Like, opposite of me haha. She is sensitive and soft spoken, but has a good testimony, and has a lot of faith. So, she and my last companion are similar and different in a few ways ha. Today we had district P-day, and the Sherwood's (senior couple) made us breakfast, then we played games at the church! It was fun! :) The Elders in our zone like to tease me for some reason. I think it's because 2 of them are also from southern Utah, so they just like to joke around. Which is fine because I don't mind, and I'm used to all my friends doing that anyways! When we left Sister Bolton asked me if they always tease me that much... I was like haha yeah, but it doesn't bother me! It makes me feel like at home kind of! And she was like, "oh, good. I was worried because I would never be able to handle all of that!" hahaha I almost died. 

Everyone have a great week! :) And I love you all! 
Sister Lowry
When we pulled up to Steve's and the police were there!  The are regulars.  Ha :)
Me yelling at Steve for trying to put his arm around me!
Steve and Eric!  Yes. I know it looks gross.  I've just come to accept it! 

Where we teach on the driveway.  We had to take Sister Halliday to say goodbye to them before she left!
Grace's baptism. 
The turtle Elder Sherwood rescued off the road and brought to cheer us up! 
I named it Taffy.
We let it go in the pond behind our apartment.

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