Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Ocean is BLUE!

Ok! I got to go to the beach yesterday for district P-day! That was sooo fun! And one of the most beautiful things I've seen! And yes, the water is blue! And warm! We got there at like six to see the sunrise. Then we played volleyball for like ever. Of course I got bored and ended up a cheerleader on the sidline ;) My true calling in life hahaha. We finished P-day by doing the regular things. Except Sis. Halliday I think has food poisoning so that was hard because we had to stay home instead of going to teach Steve and Eric :( Which are our only investigators now. :( So we will be doing a lot of finding this week! Which, I actaully don't mind tracting really. I still get that little nervous feeling in my stomach before I knock on every door, but I could talk to anyone and everyone that I see on the street, and I love that! :)

 Saturday Nick got baptized! :) It was soooo amazing. We were so happy. I was smiling so much. And in a song on "The Work" CD it says "The most wonderful sound I ever heard, is the sound of water running in the church." I can totally see how true that is now! Him and his little family looked so beautiful! It was like a little taste of heaven ha. Their baby is sooo cute. But it is the hardest thing ever to not really play with him. :( That is like the hardest rule for me as a missionary probably ha! We hope they invite us when they get sealed in a year! His wife's family took us to dinner at this yummy seafood place after. I had to get the coconut shrimp because that was mom's favorite! :)

 We are no longer teaching Florence :( (the big black lady) She said she is going to go back to her chruch and try it out. But that if it doesn't work out she is going to call us. Which she actually sounded sincere about. She also said we can still visit her and thanked us for helping her resist satan and listen to God. That was really heart-breaking. But, like I've said before, everytime I even begin to get discouraged the Lord like, doesn't let me! He just helps me right back up! We listened to an amazing talk by Elder Holland in District Meeting that talks about how we are shoulder to shoulder with the Savior in our missionary work. Yes it's hard. But it wasn't easy for him, so why should it be easy for us? It was really spiritual! :)

 We are still teaching Steve and Eric. Besides we haven't seen them for awhile because they didn't come to church or the baptism like they were going to. And we missed out on seeing them last night. So just continue to pray for them! When we saw them last week it was so awesome. We saw Steve on his bike and he asked us how church was today! It was Tuesday, but it's the thought that counts right? We asked if we could come by later and he said yeah in an hour! So we tracted around then went over there. Since we can't go in their house because it's all men, the first time we met with them we had to bring out some chairs and coolers and stuff onto the driveway. When we got there later that night they had it all set up for us! It was the cutest thinge ever! Random chairs and a cooler and a toolbox to sit on! And chips and salsa! They are such great guys. I really hope they keep with it.

 Hmm what else... Oh, you should have seen how excited we were to get the conference issue of the Ensign! That was like, pathetic! But that is our entertainment out here! :) I can't believe I hit my one month mark on Friday. Insane! And I can't believe I graduated a year ago! It feels like that was last week! I am so happy Toni graduated and is on that church history trip. That will be so good for her. I can't wait till i can go see all that! Becky Comstock wrote me a card that was just awesome. It was on Mother's Day and she talked about the past year and all that happened. A year ago mother's day I was at their house talking to Jordan in Honduras. Who would have thought that the next year I would by talking to my family over skype from my mission?! Since then my dad married an amazing women who loves him and us and my mom so much. I finished two semesters at BYU (barely) ;) and I am in a place that I love and now call my home! Isn't Becky amazing? Thank you for putting that into perspective for me! It feels like it's been a lifetime since then but also only like a week. I still love it here. I love the ghetto that we work in. The people are so humble. I am learning so much. Especially patience. Which is what I need. We had a follow up meeting in Orlando with the new missionaries and trainers and it was awesome. I found the best thing about being in a trio. I get to sleep in the back seat when we go places! :) But I did learn alot from President Hall and the other missionaries. He always teaches us to just forget ourselves and work. Work, work, work. One of the greatest secrets of missionary work is work! President is awesome. We get a new one in about a month though.

 Thank you all so much for your emails, letters, prayers, love, and support! I hope the move is going well! I hope everyone survived the school year and is kicking off their summer in the best way possible! And whenever you feel hot, just remember that I am biking in 97 degrees with a helmet and skirt and garments! ;) Most of all, remember that it wasn't easy for Christ. So it probably won't always be easy for us. But that is why we have the Atonement. To know that we do not have to do it alone and that He can be on our right hand and on our left with His angels bearing us up if we let Him! :) I forgot the scripture reference but that is in the scriptures! ;) Sorry this is so long! I love you all so much! :)

Sister Lowry :)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful letter! K'loni is making such a great missionary. I pray that she continues having success! Orlando sounds hot and humid, and I can just see her with her helmet on and biking along the roads. Awesome!
